Chapter 40- Rahne

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Rahne's POV~

"Follow her," the commander shouted, obviously making a split second decision. A far too hasty one, but I wasn't calling the shots. While everyone else moved to follow, I just kind of stood there, watching. Saying I didn't like where this was going was an understatement. It took me far too long to realize Gil wasn't moving either, seeming to also be waiting for them to all disappear. "I don't like her," he said simply.

I didn't respond, moving to retrieve Sanguis from the front step. How she had not been dissuaded by a giant wolf, I'll never know.

"Exactly my point.." He followed. "And she knew my name."

I frowned at him. "How do you know that again?"

"It's supposed to be a gift. More like a pain in the arse."

"Uh huh..." I opened the door, allowing Sanguis to bound in and nearly knock me over saying "hi".

"What? You don't believe me?"

"I think you're crazy."

"You already told me that..."

I rubbed the giant wolf's ears. "Why are we standing here when there are police after us..?"

Gil shrugged. "Because following that girl is insane, and we both know it."


"Hurry up, they're getting away."

Of course, I rolled my eyes, starting in the direction the entire group went. "Fine then."

"What, you have a better idea?"


The side door they went through led to a small side area with a jungle gym, which gave no indication of where they went next. Pausing in the doorway, I watched to see if there was any movement, but there wasn't any. Sanguis pushed past me, seeming to understand what needed to happen, sniffed the ground and bounded off in a direction. Without hesitating, I ran after the wolf, ignoring the feeling that the shadows were moving on their own; obviously they were "moving", I was moving. Sanguis led us down a street to what looked like a house that had been vandalized recently. Doors were wide open, the windows appeared to have been blown out, and scorch marks were around both the doors and windows. It took a moment to realize as we got closer that this house just happened to be the one I used to escape a demon. Everything was just going to keep coming back to haunt me in the literal sense, wasn't it.

Nobody seemed to notice that Gil and I had just shown up, instead far more interested in asking the new girl questions. Uninterested in both listening and participating, I walked over to a window for no particular reason, while Gil decided to watch the questioning silently.

Outside was gray and cloudy, as usual. This whole place was mostly colorless, and even the grass seemed dull and lifeless. Sighing, I rested my elbows on the windowsill, watching birds fly overhead. A flash of movement caught my eye. Frowning, I scanned over everything and saw nothing. From somewhere behind me, Sanguis started growling. Still seeing nothing, I guessed it was a cat or some other animal and went back to staring at nothing interesting. Sanguis's growling got louder; I turned to see what the wolf was looking at, when suddenly I was being pulled through the window. Struggling, I tried to yell for help, but there was a bony hand over my mouth. Fortunately, I didn't have to yell for help; Gil as usual had noticed. In an instant, he was through the window and yelling at whatever it was to let me go.

Something hard and sharp bit into my neck. "I will kill the girl if you come any closer, coimeádaí..." From the recesses of my memory, I recognized the voice of the demon. Fantastic.

Gil stopped short suddenly, then eased a bit closer. "No you won't," his tone was deadly calm. "You need her alive."

"I don't need her alive, the master does. Now back away, or else..."

Gil didn't move, scowling at the demon. Slowly, he backed off, still not saying a word. I could hear the demon start to say something when a rock came from almost nowhere, hurling itself straight at the demon and I. Removing the knife from my neck, the demon held out its hand as the rock began to slow. Taking the opportunity, Gil appeared and grabbed the demon's knife arm, reaching for its throat. Although surely realizing the cost of its actions, the demon let go of me in order to stop Gil. I fell to the ground, scrambling to get out of the way before I was run over by the two. It occurred to me that I had no idea where to go, since there seemed to be nowhere to hide from these things. Running away from the two, I slipped as Jezebeth appeared in front of me, falling to the ground with a less than graceful thud.

"Damned faerie, this time you're not getting away from me that easily." Well, she certainly seemed pissed.

"RAHNE," I could hear Gil shouting, but guessed he was too preoccupied with the other demon to help. Not remembering whether I had a weapon or not, I started to search for something when Sanguis jumped the demon and bit at her face.

"Away from me, beast!" she screeched, flinging the wolf off of her. As this was happening, I had scrambled to my feet, searching myself for a knife I couldn't find. Growling, Jezebeth held up her arm; although I couldn't hear or see anything, Sanguis yelped and clawed at his ears. Purely by instinct, I lunged at her.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" An invisible force slammed into her, knocking her slightly off balance and distracting her enough for whatever she was doing to stop. Looking half impressed, half startled, Jezebeth smiled. 

"Well, aren't you full of surprises..." she reached towards me, an invisible force slamming me into the ground. "Underwhelming, perhaps, but surprises nonetheless." With a quick movement of her hand, I was flying through the air towards her. Catching me by the arm, she started to drag me off while I struggled against her.

"Let go of me!" I tried to punch her, but didn't succeed.

"Shut up, you pathetic child," black mist swirled around us, dimming the surrounding world. It took a moment for me to realize what was happening, but by then it was too late. Gimli, Manitoba disappeared with a swirl of mist.

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