Chapter 61 - Rahne

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Pacing, I tried to think about what I wanted to do. I understood her reasons for not wanting me to go, but I couldn't help but feel that something about this was a trap. And I wasn't sure why anyone else didn't think so. In the end, I decided that I had to follow them.

"What do you think?" I turned to Charlie, who was bunking in the same room as me. Pausing, she raised an eyebrow.

"Think about what?"

"Following them; they're obviously walking right into a trap."

She hesitated. "I don't know, Celaena was right when she called me weak..."

"You'll be with me, it's not like you're taking on the entire faerie army yourself. Besides, didn't you want to kill Nathye?"

"Well yes, but-"

"I'm going anyway, so it's up to you whether you want to go or not."

She was quiet, I supposed weighing each option carefully. "Okay, I'll go... but how would we get there?"

Shrugging, I glanced at the door. "I dunno, maybe I can keep their portal open. It's at least worth a try."

Charlie gave me a "you are crazy" sort of look, but didn't argue with me on the matter. The two of us snuck out of our room at just the perfect time, as the other three had just created a portal back to Ellond. Hoping they wouldn't notice, I focused on the portal, willing it to stay open after the three had gone through. Although I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, it seemed to work as the portal didn't fade from view. Waiting a few minutes, Charlie and I then jumped through the portal, hearing it snick shut behind us as we tumbled back into Treymond, if I remembered correctly. Next thing I knew, I was punching Connall as he hoisted me up off the ground.

Cursing, he nearly dropped me as his left arm hitched slightly. "What the f8ck are you doing here?!" It took a moment to process both his sentence and the fact that he was the only one here; the others must have gone to Celaena's office already. "Do you ever  follow instructions?!"

Scowling, I shoved him away before helping Charlie up. "Not when I can help."

"You could have 'helped' by staying in Demense!"

"It doesn't matter, we're here now, so deal with it!" I took a step away, towards the old oak tree I was assuming was where her office was, when Connall grabbed my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

"To the damn tree!"

"YOU are staying right here." He walked past me, giving me a death stare, which I returned. Groaning loudly, I kicked the nearest rock, glaring at him purely so I could see where the entrance was. Once he had disappeared, I was moving towards the tree.

"Wait, he said to stay-"

"I don't care what he said." Hearing what might've been a sigh, Charlie jogged to keep up with my relatively fast pace. Unsure of what "enchantment" Celaena might've been talking about, I focused purely on finding her. I supposed that would count.

Luckily, it did; I could very plainly see the door, although Charlie said she couldn't see anything at all. Rolling my eyes, I dragged her through the doorway, much to her discontent. Just catching the shadow of Connall's retreating figure, I continued to drag Charlie along with me, glaring and putting a finger to my lips when she tried to say something. Although I didn't see any other assassins, I didn't doubt they were there and was prepared to fight if necessary. Or at the least say who I was looking for.

No one stopped us though, which I frankly didn't mind. Pausing at the top of a spiral staircase, Charlie and I glanced into the room it led to. A faerie, who I could only assume was Nathye, was sitting behind a desk I assumed was Celaena's. Out of the four of them, Nathye was the only one who seemed relaxed, telling Celaena to say she had "finished the job." In an instant of movement, which I barely saw, Nathye was on the ground clutching his bleeding throat. Celaena, grinning, said something to him just before the life left him. Still unsure of what happened, I didn't move, fairly grateful I hadn't because Jezebeth and Rada appeared, as though they had been waiting for Nathye's death. Jezebeth had a knife held to the throat of what looked to be an 8 year old boy, who I could only assume was Celaena's nephew. He looked so frightened, I couldn't help but pity him.

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