Chapter 52- Celaena

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Celaena's POV

        “Yes, Gil, I do.” Celaena said back, taking a step forward and placing her hand on the handle of Corruption. “I don’t believe you are a faerie, coimeádaí. So what are the two of you and why are you attracting the attention of an angel?”

        “The Council attracted the angel.” Gil said, eyes just as hardened when he was talking to the old looking angel.

        “What are you?”

        “We are fae,” he said, arching his eyebrows up. “Only half, we’re also half elf.”

        “I don’t believe you.” Celaena’s grip tightened on her blade.

        “I’m not going to spend my time trying to convince you, Celaena, if you wish to believe me or not is your problem.”

        “Why did you lie before?”

        “It was an attempt to get the Commander to let us be on our way, but it didn’t work.” Celaena thought on this for a moment, her grip relaxing but her face not leaving the sight of Rahne and Gil. The others were silent, watching the exchange.

        “Then why are all those demons and that angel after Rahne?”

        Gil sighed and glanced back towards Connall, who had an exasperated look on his face. “She was born with a rare gift that the demons want to exploit,” At this, Rahne looked up, completely bewildered. ‘I’m just keeping her safe, do you have any problems with that, Celaena?”

        “You’re not doing a very good job with her safety.” Celaena commented, fighting down the urge to run him through with her blade. She still was not convinced that Gil was telling the truth, but at least she was closer. Gil grimaced at her words, watching as Celaena flapped her wings and took off into the forest, back towards the tree. She was going to be alone to think things through, it’d take them a while to get back by walking,

        Landing in front of the entrance, she noticed it was open. Did they forget to close it on their rush out to keep pace with Rahne? Celaena peeked through cautiously, opening it wider to allow the assassin more wiggle room. No one was inside the top of the tree, but there was a definite possibility of someone being inside.

        She slowly took out Corruption and stepped down one stair when a rush of wind brushed the back of her neck. Springing up and jumping forward she launched herself into the air, forgetting how tight of space she was in. Celaena’s wings barely opened and hit the walls of the stairs, and another gust of wind sent her plummeting down the stair case and into the first room, where she jumped up and faced her unknown opponent, weapon level.

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