Chapter 3- Celaena

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A window was open. How stupid of the guy to leave a window open, especially with the target on its back. Celaena jumped through the window, folding her wings into her back for room. Barely making a sound she cleared each room she came across, even though she was certain her target was in the parlor space in the front of the house. The parlor didn't have a door to be opened or closed, the space could be entered through a space in the wall. Celaena peered through the space from afar, and was relieved to find her target facing away from her, sitting on the floor in front of markings, chanting or praying- she couldn't tell. She could smell the magic from it, it was old, something Celaena did not want to mess with.

Unfolding her wings just enough for her to glide right above the floor, she unsheathed her blades. Normally, people would be able to hear the metals whiz out of their containers, but this guy was chanting so loudly she probably could of brought an army of miniature elephants in and the idiot would still not notice.

After a moment, she was right behind him with her breath held and blades in place, almost touching the neck. Right before Celaena was about to make the move, he turned himself around, looking in horror at the faerie now in front of him. He started to say something, probably a plea but Celaena refused to hear it. One fast movement later, blood was squirted everywhere, including the floor and on her. The head rolled to one end of the room, like the flooring was uneven, and Celaena made a face. She hated carrying heads back for proof. Instead, she cut off the hand and stuffed it into a satchel she used for this exact purpose. Celaena studied the body in front of now, this one had been easier than most. Glancing over at the markings on the ground, she looked to recognize some symbols but they were all foreign to her. It was not until after she left that she thought it was strange that not one drop of blood fell into the markings, and instead puddled around it.

~ ~ ~

An hour later, after flying through an already open portal back to Ellond, she stopped on the ground in front of her client's designated pick-up area, which was an entrance to a cave in the mountains of Falonde. Rada wasn't there yet, so to pass the time, Celaena leaned against the cave wall and played around with her magic, Ellond dirt fly across the air and making different patterns.

“You're early.” A voice called out from a little ways down the mountain, and the Rada's brown braided hair head appeared, her snake-like eyes and the rest of her body following.

“No, you're just late.” Celaena said with a small smile, stopping her connection with the dirt and fishing the hand out of the satchel.

“The hand of Mr. Davis, apparently mortal,” she presented, before tossing it at the demon. “Now, my pay?”

“Here,” Rada tossed a small sac towards the faerie, who caught it with ease. Celaena looked inside it, to make sure everything was there. Once she was sure, she looked back up at the demon, who was still staring at her.“If you need any one else taken care of,” Celaena said “You know how to contact me."

The Unknown RPजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें