Chapter 48 - Charlotte

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Charlie's POV

I was unceremoniously picked up by the chains at my wrist and shoved down a hallway and into a cell by one of the guards, with the others either behind or in front of me and brought into their own separate cells surrounding the area. My head throbbed, and I was going through a list.

My name is Charlotte Kristen Rowe.

I hate asparagus.

I'm 19 years old.

My birthday is December 3rd.

I am human.

I am free.

I am free, sort of. I didn't have to take orders from Simile and Metaphor now, since they were dead. I let out a relieved sigh as the cell door closed and I faced the bars. I got out of that, I could get out of this too.

Unless they could come back. If they did, would I still be have to follow their orders? Even if they could come back, there was no way I would be controlled by them again.

"Does anyone have an aspirin or something?" I asked, irritated. This headache needed to end.

"Why would any of us have aspirin?" Rahne called ou texasperated  from the cell...two down from mine. I looked through it.

"Oh just making sure none of you are holding out on me." I said, then hesitated. "Are, um, we still working together or are you guys done with me?There wasn't a sound from anyone, so I backed up in the cell, slightly disappointed. I'd have to get out of this myself.

"What else could you offer us?" Gil asked. He was in the cell across from mine and to the left. I considered his question for a moment before smiling.

"Well, I do have some valuable information about you and Rahne I would be willing to forget to mention to the faeries when they start interviewing us."

More silence, but I knew I had him. "Fine. We'll help you but if you ever let out whatever information you have I will kill you."

"My parents have threatened me better than that Gil, c'mon you can do better." I smirked. "But okay, glad we have that cleared up."

"Do I have to be a part of this help or am I free to say anything I wish about you, Charlotte?" Celaena, in the cell next to mine asked. "Because my opinion of you is not very high, I'll admit."

"Well, I could tell them who exactly let out Jezebeth. I know a lot about your crimes, assassin. Simi and Meta kept tabs on you."

"I didn't let out the demon." Celaena defended.

"Oh I'm sorry, you just killed the guy who was guarding the seal she was in." I laughed. "Big difference. It'll mean the same thing since she's out and is trying to kill all of us."

"Shouldn't have said anything." Celaena muttered, and I heard a clang against some of the bars and a hiss of pain.

"Yeah, well, I'm not going to stick around to this the proper way. I know how governments work. Which of you is good at pickpocketing?"


A door slammed open, a mean looking guard walked in. Reminded me of myself. She walked in and opened Celaena's cell, barking at her to get up, it was time for her interview.

"After her, its Kairys. Hope you all are on the same page or Menoroth won't be happy." I didn't have to see it, I could just tell she was smirking by her tone of voice. None of us answered as she pushed Celaena out the door to her interview.

An hour passed. We went through the plan several times, making sure we all knew our parts. Suddenly the door slammed open and Celaena walked through with the same guard right behind her. The assassin had a bruising eye and bright red spot on her shoulder, but otherwise remained stone-faced, until the guard brought her keys out.

Celaena slammed into the guard so she hit the iron bars so long that they started to glow. The guard dropped the keys, reaching for a weapon and pushing Celaena away. I turned my attention to the keys, they were the important part. They were slowly making their way across the floor and towards Kairys, whose hand emerged, free of the chains due to her angel strength, and grabbed the key, stood up and opened her cell door. She ran to Gil's, and the using the other key opened his chains and then went to Rahne while Gil joined the fight.

Within the span of a few seconds Gil had the guard disarmed and Celaena was choking her with the cuffs, waiting until she passed out to drag the guard into one of the cells. Kairys stepped around them and finally opened my cell and unlocking my chains.

"Thanks," I muttered. "Don't even need them, I don't have magic."

"No problem," Kairys shrugged, and I followed her out into the hallway Celaena had taken the weapons from the guard, tossing a dagger to both Rahne and Gil while keeping the last weapon, a sword, to herself.

"I don't get a weapon?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. They could all probably take on an army if they wanted to and bone-tired.

"Do you know how to fight with these weapons? Celaena asked, mockingly. "Don't worry, I plan on getting Corruption and Void back, so your guns will probably be with them."

I didn't answer her, instead I followed Gil after he gave the all-clear signal of the next hallway out of this jail. Eventually I let the others get ahead, since I did not think any of them would have my back in a fight, and I was weaponless besides Kairys, but she even had super strength and telekinesis.

There was a shout from the front of the group and a couple of thumping noises as bodies hit the floor, and a whistle sounded and weapons were thrown at each of us, I caught my gun and started to jog towards everyone else, who was starting to sprint towards the woods. This was not the plan, what was-

The whistle. We were going to be pursued, dammit. I sprinted to catch up.

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