Chapter 23- Celaena

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Every moment in the air hurt Celaena. She was surprised she could launch herself the air, much less carry another being with her. Making a beeline for the window, she tried to only concentrate on the faeries in front of her, but couldn't help noticing the loud noises the thing was making. Beneath her, Rahne squirmed for a moment, gasping, and then going completely still.

Celaena was surprisingly able to make it through the window without hitting herself or Rahne and took off, flying towards the others, who had all escaped through the door. A few minutes later they all landed. Seraphina looking slightly disappointed, and when Celaena turned around to look at Rahne, she looked ready to murder someone. Gil moved close to her though, resting a hand on her shoulder.

“What is that thing?” Celaena demanded, looking back at the Commander.

“Giant Lizards.” A soldier responded. “Spray acid slime everywhere. They could kill you within an instant.”

“Great, just what we need.” Celaena said, glaring at everyone. “So we stay away from the mouth, who's coming?”

“Coming?” Seraphina asked.

“Yeah, we have to go to the lizard to kill it. Or it will kill us. So all the fliers need to have a sword or something, and the rest need to have ranged weapons.” The others swapped weapons, Jothrynn giving Rahne his throwing knives, the others getting slings and various types of weapons.

“Don't attack until we have them distracted, Commander Morgenstern.” Jothrynn spoke as they were about to leave. “I'd hate to have to take your place as leader.” He smiled before taking off, Celaena and the other fliers following. They waited in the air for about a minute, diving down right as one screeched in pain and lunged toward one of the non-fliers.

Celaena folded her wings, plummeting to the ground before she reopened them for control, falling now upright. As she did so, she fumbled for the knife, and inserted the blade onto the top of one lizards neck, all the way down to the base of its tail.

Teal blood erupted from its scales, bubbling and splattering all over Celaena. Grinning, she hopped back in the air as a throwing knife hit its shoulder, then landed on the top of its head, barely managing to balance. Another knife hit its eye, almost throwing her off the lizards head. Crouching down, she stabbed the lizard between the eye, hanging on for dear life as it tried to shake her off. A minute passed, and it went charging after someone else. Slowly, Celaena stood up, and etched a line down its skull. This time, the lizard did throw Celaena off.

She hit the ground hard, moaning as she slowly got up. The others were focused on the other lizards, one was down. Looking back at the lizard at hand, it stared at her before sending a giant glob of acid her way. Celaena dove out of the way, again hitting the ground.

This time, when she looked up, all she could see was the slimy green lizard. Everything else faded away in the background. The ground in front of her trembled for a moment, before a rock of dirt twice the size of the monster rose out of the ground and hovered above the lizard. Celaena shuddered, her breath quickening as she concentrated on getting it in position before letting go. The rock crashed down on the lizard, it screeching into nothing, covered by the pile. Celaena fell back, catching her breath before looking over at the others. One more lizard was up, acid all over the place. Standing up, she went to go help but it was killed by Rahne and Gil before she could get there. Everyone else was drenched from rain Jothrynn must of brought.

“We'll get our mounts and camp here.” the Commander said, once they were all in a group and checking each others wounds. “The watch rotation will be set afterwards.”

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