Chapter 17- Rahne

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I wasn't sure what to make of these people who rode on giant birds, nearly half of them already having wings themselves. So far, I was fairly sure I hated the fox people more, but the fact that they could, and had, the capability to fight was cause for concern. Gil stood in front of me, back towards a slightly angry-sounding conversation between who I assumed was in charge and the girl with wings who had helped me. "Are you alright?"

"Fine.. Who are they," I nodded in their direction.

"Faeries... on their way to a Seal."

"Seal..? They told-"

"No, they didn't," he said matter-of-factly. "Well, consciously anyway... you sure, no broken anything?" He squinted at me.

"I'm fine," I growled slightly, eyeing the two as they finished their conversation. "They're not going to become a permanent addition, are they..."

"Not if I can help it, and you at the least try to not say anything that might make them mad."

"I'm not about to make any promises."

"Didn't think so." He glanced around, readjusting the band on his forehead. I couldn't help but wish I had held onto the knife; it felt odd to be in the minority that was unarmed. Annoyingly, Gil didn't seem to be bothered by that fact. "They're not exactly a threat yet, calm down," he muttered. I didn't respond, still wishing I had a knife or something. "Commander," he began. "We have business elsewhere."

"Course," she nodded. "I have a few more questions for you, then you may leave." Gil nodded, stepping towards her. Slightly awkward, I looked over the motly of creatures, mentally taking notes just in case. It seemed to me that while they were all very likely highly trained, so fighting wasn't as much a good idea as it was a death sentence. If I had my knife, I could very likely deter them for the most part, but since I didn't my only option was to run fast. Eyeing the trees, I decided that if I stayed underneath them, they wouldn't be able to spot me from the sky.

A loud huffing sound startled me, and I looked over at a gold, brown, and cream colored bird-lion that was watching me with bright gold eyes. It considered me then began preening it's feathers carefully.


I frowned. Nobody else seemed to notice the voice, not even the giant animals. Looking around, I saw no one else there, which only disconcerted me more.

Raahne... It beckoned. Pausing in what I guessed to be the source of the voice, I stared into the forest. Rahne...

Frowning, I took a tentative step towards the forest. Nobody said anything, so I slipped inbetween the trees.


I pushed giant leaves and curtains of moss aside, trying to find the voice's source; it seemed to be coming from this direction, but I couldn't tell for certain. Sliding between two particularly large trees, I entered a huge clearing with what used to be some sort of stone building.


The voice sounded much louder than before. 

Come here, Rahne.

I stared at the ruins, debating whether or not to follow its instructions. Curiosity overtaking common sense, I stepped onto the partially overgrown stone walkway and towards the crumbling archway. Despite the place's old and crumbling facade, it still seemed structurally sound enough to hold up the vaulted roof and thick walls. Mats of vines and other green things hung from the rooftop and clung to the walls, spilling into the windows like natural curtains. I paused just outside the gaping doorway and peered into the black. "Hello..? Is anyone there?"

I am here. The voice whispered, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Suddenly, I was flying into the building and thrown to the floor. Scrambling back to my feet, I turned around to see vines knot themselves over all the windows and doors, sealing me inside. Behind me, a light flared into existance; slowly, I turned around, seeing nothing but the glow of a fire in a large brazier. Shadows flickered across the stone walls, adding to the surreal effect.

"Who are you?" I barely managed to keep my voice from shaking.

I am the one you must free, Rahne.

"And... if I don't?"

You have no choice, it hissed.

"I don't know who you are, but I won't help you..." I backed away from the brazier, trying to think of a way out of this situation. So far, this had been an extremely bad idea; I should have stayed where I was.

The voice was silent for a moment. You are not leaving until you set me free; they cannot help you.


They are too preoccupied to help you. You are not leaving until you free me! It somehow managed to yell, nearly blowing out the fire. I fell to the ground, trying not to scream.

This was definitely a bad idea.

The Unknown RPМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя