Chapter 25- Seraphina

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I jerked awake as a scream hit my eardrums. Whether the scream was imaginary or not, I didn't know for sure, but it had me shaken up. My joints ached from the fights of yesterday, and sleeping in the faerie armor didn't help at all.

I reached up and stretched, not bothering to muffle a loud yawn. No doubt the others could hear me through the fabric of the tent, but at this point, I really didn't care. We all needed more rest than we had gotten, and a hot shower sounded quite good too.

Without warning, someone's hand yanked at the cloth at the entrance of the tent, pulling it back. Jothrynn stepped in without bothering to check if I was decently dressed or not. His hair was ruffled from sleep, and his eyes were reddish. I couldn't help but realize that he looked as if he were dying. Normally, he had good manners, so something must have been urgent enough to make him barge into my tent this way.

I shot him a glare to keep him in check. "State your business, Jothrynn."

He sounded breathless as he choked out a single word. "Wolves."

I shot straight up to my feet, and I did my best to ignore the pain that raced through me. "Where?" I demanded as I reached for my weapons.

He hunched over, breathing heavily. "C-close. East of us."

I lurched out of the tent, nearly bringing it down with me. Jothrynn, as far as I knew, was still trying to catch his breath. I made a mental note to bump him up to a higher ranking, as he deserved. Stumbling away from the tent, I nearly made a show of falling to the ground in front of the other faerie soldiers, but I managed to keep my balance.

The others turned to me, weapons at the ready, waiting for instructions. For a moment, I just stared back at them not knowing what to say.

Jothrynn appeared behind me and said, "Rahne and Gil are gone."

Celaena stepped forward. "What should we do, Commander?" She didn't sound sarcastic this time.

I nodded toward Jothrynn. "Give the assassin her weapons, and all of you, make sure that she handles them appropriately. If she decides to misbehave, you're all welcome to run her through with any weapons you've got." I shot a glare at Celaena, and she smiled back, not-so-innocently.

As Jothrynn got the weapons, I partnered up the four other faerie soldiers. Instructively, I told them to approach their targets at different angles, which would give them the upper hand, unless there were a large amount of wolves. Well, at least three of them could fly out of the path of danger.

I turned and faced Celaena and found her handling some wicked swords. Somehow, a smile broke across my face, and she stared at me as if I were a lunatic. "Those swords will do nicely against wolves," I muttered to her. "Jothrynn, lead the way," I said, now facing him. "We're going to fly."


I nearly giggled fifteen times as we flew toward the east. Toward our enemies. Yes, I was a lunatic, wasn't I? Jothrynn didn't seem to be struggling to hold onto me, although I could bet that his arms were sore from yesterday's combat. I looked up at him, and he offered a strained smile. And then we heard a growl.

Jothrynn halted in the air, and Celaena nearly crashed into him, which most likely would have sent me straight to the ground. I carefully twisted myself around to give a glare at the assassin. She smiled sheepishly.

But there was no time for playing around. The wolves awaited.

"Jothrynn, set me down in a tree and investigate for me," I ordered. "Where are they positioned?"

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