Chapter 63 - Rahne

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Although I felt better after 4 days, I still couldn't stand without feeling like the world was going to fall out from beneath my feet. I didn't talk much when they had me move to the couch, tending to avoid conversation if at all possible. Amid the already horridness of feeling sick, a new unpleasant sensation, like a raw nerve, wriggled up from the depths of my mind, bringing with it the feeling I had been violated. I couldn't help but be somewhat relieved when the portal did shift, and the monotony of my thoughts were broken by hurriedly packing up and leaving the safe house.

"Where is the portal this time?" Celaena asked from the backseat, looking particularly annoyed with the seat belt digging into her shoulder.

"Arlon," Connall's eye twitched as he tapped his fingers in an angry sort of way on the steering wheel.

"Oh great, an active war zone. Why couldn't we just open a portal..."

"A portal would compromise the safe house and lead something right to it," Gil shot a look at Connall, who looked as though he was going to yell at the faerie. "We have to get a good distance away before we can open a portal."

Sighing, Celaena settled into her seat, finally just slipping the shoulder belt off so it would stop bothering her. Aside from Connall's incessant drumming on the steering wheel, the entire car was silent. Although maybe ten minutes in, Celaena was shifting restlessly before finally sitting straight up. "WOULD YOU CUT THAT OUT?!"

"NO." Despite that, Connall gripped the steering wheel tightly, turning his knuckles white.


Connall just rolled his eyes as Celaena slumped back into her seat; he reached over and messed with the radio before settling on a station and adjusting the sound to where it wasn't obnoxious. Rolling her eyes, Celaena shifted in her seat so she could plug her ears comfortably. No one else seemed to mind the rock quietly pouring from the speakers.

It was only half an hour before Connall turned off the main road and pulled into what might've passed for a parking lot, except it was covered in a camouflaged sort of way. There weren't many other vehicles there, but there was evidence there had been more at some point. Without a word, we exited the van, Gil keeping me from falling over, before Connall opened the portal and we all went through.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" an important-looking stocky person who looked about the same height as Celaena roared, seconded only by Celaena's cursing.


"Shut up, we're actually where we need to be for once," he muttered, eyeing everyone in the room.

My eye was drawn back to another important looking person, this one a lot taller, as he stood up suddenly. "What is the meaning of this interruption?!"

Swords were being drawn all over, except for the two important-looking people and the four others at their table who were staring wide-eyed. Despite myself, I found myself wondering whether it would be easier to defeat them by killing all of the important people or if that would just make the rest turn into a swarm of angry bees. "We need to go to Arlon." Gil didn't even attempt a lie at that point, giving a rather fierce look.

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