Chapter 58- Charlotte

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Charlie's POV

I thought angels were supposed to be nice. All holy and pure, but they have same intentions as the demons. Sure, their methods are less bloody, but at least the demons are upfront about everything. Demons also have the decency to not make every single hallway look the same.

Gil and Connall were whispering furiously to each other, and the other two seemed a bit lost. Rahne had sat down under cover of a tree, and Celaena hovered a few inches above the ground, staring off in space. I put my hand on my gun, more for reassurance than anything. From what I gathered, the portal had shifted and now we were stuck unless the two guys could figure out its new location.

Taking out the dagger Celaena had given me, I tried to mimic how I've seen others use it. Almost out of bullets, I figured I should start learning how to use my alternative. Walking away from the group so they wouldn't be able to see, I started to slash and stab at imaginary enemies.

In my opinion I was doing very well, but Celaena's voice called out "You're exaggerating too much." Bringing the dagger to my side, I let out a noise of frustration.

"Why do you care?"

"If you're going to fight close up, you need to do it properly." Celaena answered. "I'd like you to be able to take down an enemy or two before you die in a fight."

She had a point, but that didn't mean I had to like it. "Fine. What am I doing wrong?" Celaena came over, grabbing the dagger from me.

"First, you need to keep yourself protected. Those big attacks are leaving you vulnerable. Small and quick is key." The assassin showed me several techniques for attacking and even let me try them out on her with a warning: If I actually did stab her I would not live to see her heal. I thought it was a fair deal.

Half way through the impromptu lesson, Rahne walked over and watched for a bit before Celaena noticed and managed to convince her to come spar with me, deeming it necessary for our fighting education. Sparring with Rahne vaguely reminded me of wrestling with my brothers, but on a more dangerous scale. Celaena told us not to kill or cut each other, to just disarm and hold at knife/dagger point, but Rahne was still faster, stronger, and taller than me.

The first bout was over quickly, lasting only a few seconds. I must have blinked because Rahne lunged towards me and I jumped back, but she grabbed hold of my wrist and twisted, forcing me to let go of my dagger while she simultaneously poked my stomach with her knife.

"Nice job," I breathed, backing up and picking the dagger up from the ground.

"Thanks." She said, and on Celaena's call we went back at it. Several more bouts happened with Celaena calling out advice to each of us. I only managed to disarm Rahne three times, but it had started taking longer for her to disarm me every time. It wasn't a fair fight, Rahne has used her knife much longer than I have been using this dagger, but I guess none of the fights I'll get into would be fair, so we stayed friendly with each other.

Eventually Gil and Connall stopped talking and came over to us. Rahne managed to disarm me again and held her knife to my throat. "How are your students doing, Celaena?" Gil asked, seemingly amused.

"Rahne's better than I thought, and I'm confident that Charlie will last more than four seconds in combat." She admitted. I ignored her comment mostly because I was unsure if I should take that as insult or compliment.

"We figured out where the portal shifted to," Connall told us, creating a portal of his own. "Let's go."

"Where is it?" I asked, confused. We were taking a portal instead of walking like we have been for what seems like the last 500 years.

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