Chapter 31- Rahne

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I bit the inside of my mouth, carefully pressing a damp cloth onto my left shoulder. While the wounds weren't ''too'' deep, they still hurt. Doing my best to block it out, I carefully wrapped my shoulder with a bandage and tied it off. Grimacing, I rolled my shoulders, trying to get them to heal faster as well as make the neckline of my tunic slide back into place. For the sake of modesty, since Gil wouldn't let me alone, I had pulled the neck-hole over my shoulders in order to clean the blood off and bandage them up. While Gil didn't look at me directly, it was uncomfortable.

"The commander's asleep," he stated, frowning at a cluster of trees. "Guess I'll have to wait, then." Shifting his position, he leaned back on the rock behind him, seeming to relax slightly, and closed his eyes. I didn't respond, fixing my gaze on an ant as it crawled around. Strangely, that seemed to be the only normal-sized thing here. "Here comes your new friend," Gil said without opening his eyes. Frowning, I looked over, watching Celaena half walk, half hover, over.

"You don't like flying, do you," she said flatly.

"No." I did my best not to growl. "Don't you have a tree to be in?"

She narrowed her eyes. "If you don't mind me asking," Gil interrupted without moving. "What is it you want?"

She didn't respond for a moment. "I need a plan B, just in case. You're both weird. ''But'' the commander is keeping you here too. I think you want to leave as much as I do."

"So you want help in case you have to escape."

"It would be mutually beneficial, see... you'd get away too. So you could go see your family." I clenched my jaw, biting back a retort. If they kept mentioning my nonexistant family, I was going to kill someone. Gil shot me a look, and I resisted the temptation to make a face at him.

"We'll think it over. In the meantime, I need to make sure Rahne here gets some sleep."

"It looks more the other way around."

"Well, I'm sure you've noticed she doesn't listen."

"I'm right here..." I muttered, scowling.

Looking as though she wanted to say something else, she turned and fluttered away. I grimaced. Why did seemingly everything fly here...

"Rahne, at least sit there quietly and pretend to sleep, if you don't mind."

This time, I did make a face at him. Lying down, I stared at the tufts of clouds moving lazily over the tops of the trees. I pushed away several thoughts, rolled over, then closed my eyes.

~ ~ ~

I frowned, eyeing the strange things set on a table in front of me. Really, the only thing I recognized was the knife, but even then it wasn't like any other knife I had seen before. It was thinner and had a serrated edge on only one side. Wondering how the hell this got there, I looked around, then realized I had no idea where I was. The table was set in the center of a large, ornate room and had similar settings all around it. However, no one else was sitting there. In fact, no one was there at all. Standing up cautiously, I stepped away from the table, nearly tripping over whatever I had been sitting on.

Hello Rahne. I froze, eyes darting around for the source of the voice. Seeing nothing, I looked for possible exits.

"Who are you?" There was no response. Instead, the shadows at the edge of the candlelight flickered, taking shape, until a man materialized from seemingly nowhere. Straightening the sleeves of the suit he was wearing, he regarded me with black, empty eyes. I suppressed every degree of fear I had, keeping a steeled edge to my gaze.

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