Chapter 64- Celaena

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Celaena woke up.

The sound of the explosion from her dream still reverberated in her head, but for the most part she was fine. Slowly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking around. She was on top of a tree branch, but from here she could see a building. Perhaps the start of a town? Maybe she had one too many drinks last night and had that vivid dream after passing out here?

A quick walk to town and a small conversation later, she learned that she was in Beislor, Belumon. How she got there, Celaena has no idea. She walked around, mystified, scanning her surroundings for anyone familiar. Was she hired to kill one of these people? She searched desperately for a name, but came back with nothing. Or was she here to recruit?

Believing that must be the case, Celaena immediately made way to the town's busiest center, which had shops lining every corner. Her eyes lit up when she saw a pottery shop, and couldn't help but go in and buy some supplies. Back to the task at hand, she debated about going to a bar or a weapon shop to scope out potential. They did not really need any new recruits, she mused, so Celaena made her way over to the bar to look for any angry people drowning away their murderous thoughts.

"Water, for now." She told the barkeeper, a tense looking Tainted man. She could tell he was part human, but couldn't pinpoint the other half. Instead, she focused on the others.

There were several vampires moping around who looked like they waited too long to leave and got stuck there because of the sun, some very muscular humanoids, and some others chatting in the corner. She eyed one of the muscular people, noting that he was delving into his drink with a more angered look than the others. Perfect. Getting up, she made her way towards him and sat down across from him.

"You look like you are going to need another drink." She said in ways of a greeting. The muscular man just scowled at her. He was bald, and had no facial hair whatsoever.

"Only if yar the one who's buyin'."

"Of course." Celaena answered, motioning at the barkeeper to get another round for the man. "What brings you here?"

"None of yar business." His slight accent marked him to be from Marzin.

"I want to help." She said, knowing it sounded corny. Celaena looked around, and was about to say something else when another being walked into the bar. She froze, blinked, and pinched her arm, but the being was still there.

The humanoid was easily over six feet and he had recognizable brown hair. Celaena was sure she saw him from another place, but didn't make a connection until she saw his face. He was that jerk from her dream, who was constantly calling her shorty- Connall, that's his name. But that was just a dream, so how was he...

Damn sidhe.

Ignoring whatever her potential client was saying, she stalked over to the Connall fella and pushed him out of his chair. "WHO ARE YOU?!"

Toppled over, he screamed "WHAT THE F*CK?!" and got up, pushing Celaena away. Deciding she didn't need to know who he was, she went on to the next question.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY DREAM? WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?" She pushed him again, but this time he was on his feet and did not fall. Connall stumbled back, looking confused.


"If you two don't stop screaming-" the barkeeper started, but was silenced with a glare from Celaena. He went back to pouring drinks.

"Do you work for the sidhe?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, get away from me." Connall placed a hand on his sword hilt, something Celaena remembered from her dream too. Why was it all so vivid and fresh in her mind, she could even recall the same smells.

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