Chapter 14- Rahne

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Gil stiffened as several people appeared from the trees, talking amongst themselves and smiling. I resisted the urge to stare; they looked like a cross between humans and foxes, complete with fur and a tail. Bells and small pieces of metal tied to their dress-like clothes clinked together as they walked. Smiling widely when they noticed us, they continued walking, laughing to themselves. Internally, I frowned. How had I not heard them?

"Greetingsss," a reddish-brown fox-man with a white chin said through his teeth, smiling far too wide. "What bringsss you here?" His black fox-nose flared the slightest bit as he inclined his head in greeting.

"That's none of your business," Gil slipped into another accent I couldn't identify. Carefully, he tightened his grip on my hand.

"Courssse," the fox continued to smile. "But it would be rude, would it not, to at least give a humble fox an anssswer?"

"It wouldn't, but you'd tell e're everyone from here to Valasea, friend."

"Oh, but we're just sssimple merchantsss, we cannot but help ourssselves to ssspin an interesting tale."

"Right. We'll be going now." Gil dragged me perpendicular to the foxes, stopping short as three others stepped from the shadows of the trees.

"Not so fassst.... you see, you sssmell of Mundanuss..." the fox continued to speak. "And we are paid much for thingsss from Mundanusss..."

Gil stiffened, forcing a smile onto his face. "You must be mistaken."

"Oh, never... we catch all kindsss of thingsss, and you sssmell of them. I am sssure."

"There is a portal 'round near here, perhaps it is that."

"Noo, it is much clossser. So clossse, I can nearly tassste it." I shrunk back instinctively, holding onto Gil's hand as tightly as he was mine. The fox's ear flicked ever so slightly it was barely perceptible; I frowned. Wait...

They moved faster than I could process what was happening, pulling Gil and I apart. Kicking and yelling, I felt I put up a fair fight having drawn blood; however, I was still unable to completely break free and get away. Somehow, they managed to wrestle us into a fairly large wooden box nailed onto a cart pulled by two extremely large raccoons. Spitting what I assumed to be insults, they quickly shut the door. Gil slumped onto the floor, muttering a few curses of his own. "Damn foxes, ONE DAY YOU'LL BE CAUGHT BY THE CU FAOIL, AN' I WON'T HELP YOU."

"SHUT UP," someone hit the side of the cart, startling me, before the entire thing jerked forward.

"Cu Faoil..?" I spoke as quietly as I could without whispering.

"Giant dogs," Gil grinned, despite the fact he was cursing no more than a minute ago. "They act like the dogs you know about, 'cept they're a lot friendlier to people like us. Not so much to them." He jerked a thumb towards the wall. Frowning, I eyed the interior of our prison.

"How do we escape?"

"At the moment, not at all. Heh, maybe bringing you here wasn't such a grand idea after all."

I narrowed my eyes. "I could have told you that."

He rested his head on his hands, closing his eyes. "Possibly."

"You can't be serious, we're not doing anything?"

"If you have another idea, I'd love to hear it."

I frowned, not able to answer. For a long while, nothing but the sounds of the cart rolling over the ground could be heard, until I finally broke the silence. "What do they want?"

"Slaves, most likely," he yawned.


"Don't worry, we'll be long gone before they get us to Fallonde."

I stared at him, debating whether to kill him. To be fair, it was a nice place for a murder; secluded, and nobody around that would be able to help him in time.

"I reeeaaally don't want to die today, so please don't kill me."

"How do you keep doing that?!"

"Shh," he sat upright, frowning as the cart rolled to a stop.


"Get into the corner and stay there."

Although I wanted to fight him bitterly, I did as he said, making myself as small as I could in the darker corner. Gil slid to the wall with the door on it, pressing himself against it; the same trick I had used with the demon. And then, it seemed, hell broke loose.

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