Chapter 54-Charlotte

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Charlie's POV

I didn't participate in the fight right away, seeing Jezebeth sent me panicking and stumbling back from them even though she probably did not remember me, or care. I reminded myself to breathe, I was just a lackey for the two, unworthy of her attention. She wouldn't care. I hope.

The most ear-splitting, ungodly scream ripped from Jezebeth's throat, snapping me out of my stunned trance. I saw her and Gil tumble, and then in the next few seconds Jezebeth was slammed into the ground by an invisible source, all traces of her gone besides the shaking of the ground. I stared, once again stunned at the spot she disappeared into. Someone called out Rahne's name, and I looked over. She had fallen unconscious, but Kairys was holding her up while the fighters looked around apprehensively.

"We need to go." I told them, their anxiousness seeping into me. "She's going to be back soon. That was a good move but it won't last forever."

"The portals aren't working properly." Connall repeated. "We can't outrun her with Rahne like this."

"I can try to put her in a seal again." Gil spoke quietly, more as if he was talking to himself than the rest of us. "It might work." He and Connall shared a look, and after a moment Connall shook his head.

"We can't guarantee she'll end up there." Connall said, shaking his head.  "It's not worth the risk."

Celaena grunted. Whipping around my head, I finally realized she was being quieter than usual. Sweat ran down her face, her feet were exaggeratedly firm on the ground, eyes cast down. "I can't keep her down there for more than a couple minutes." Her breath shuddered and we looked at her for a moment before trying to make up a plan.  We had to act fast. 

It was unanimously decided that we could not take on Jezebeth at this moment.  With Rahne passed out, and Celaena looking like she was also about to pass out, we wouldn't have a good chance at survival.  After another minute of discussion Celaena cried out and fell to the ground.  The ground shook as she stood up and staggered closer towards us. Cracks formed, separating and shooting up grass, dirt, and rocks.

There goes trying to keep her contained.

The first thing we saw from Jezebeth was the dark horns protruding from her head, and then her grimy fingers grabbing the edge of the hole. She pushed herself out of the hole and nearly catapulted to her feet, glaring at us.

"Think that was funny?" she snarled, fangs showing. Shiiiit. I glanced at Gil and Connall, who looked prepared to fight. Celaena was biting her lip, and Kairys was holding Rahne up. Jezebeth walked towards us, probably knowing she could take the six of us down easily. She was getting closer, Gil and Connall already moving to meet her when I panicked. Whipping out my gun, I shot a magazine at her, emptying the gun. She stumbled a bit from the impact, but nevertheless she still continued on, now looking at me. Jezebeth was strong, why did I think that would-

A hand gripped my arm and half pulled, half dragged me back, entering the familiar haze of a portal. Jezebeth lunged at me, being the last one in. I screamed and drew my legs in close to my body, I was not going to let another demon get to me. I've had more than my fair share.

The Unknown RPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora