Bizarre First Day

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   ' Alright let's get this day over with. ' You thought, sighing.

You entered the gates of Ouran High School. At first, you didn't want to go there, but they offered you a chance to go for free through a scholarship. You took it because it was free, but you regretted the choice once you saw the uniforms. They looked like bananas.

   ' Why can't I just wear another uniform. The men's uniforms look better than this puffy banana dress. '

You held two of your notebooks to your chest while the others were in your backpack. You walked the grounds and passed a big rectangular pond. When you entered through the doors, you could see girls and guys all around the entrance. You started wandering the hallways looking for some indication of your first class. The school was huge, so finding your classes would be quite hard. 

   " Haruhi come back here! "

You looked down the hall to see someone running in your direction. They didn't see you and before you could try to get out of the way, they bumped into you, knocking the two of you to the floor. Your head hit the hard floor, and it gave you a headache. You looked at the person who knocked you down and saw their brown short hair first. They looked at you, and you could see chocolate brown eyes. You stood up and offered your hand to her. She took your hand and helped them stand.

   " Thanks. "

   " Don't mention it, are you alright? "

   " I'm fine, just a small headache. "

   " Same. I'm Y/n. "

   " I'm Haruhi Fujioka. "

   " It's nice to meet you. Hey, do you think you could direct me to the nurse's office? I want to get something to take for my headache. "

   " Sure, we can go together since my head hurts too-"

   " Well well well, what-"

   " -do we have here? "

Behind Haruhi, two boys popped up and put one of their elbows on each of her shoulders. They were twins with orange hair and smirks on their faces; you could tell they were trouble with their piercing gold eyes. The only difference between them was the pitch of their voices and the way the bangs of their hair sat on their heads.

   " Is the new girl flirting with our Haruhi? " The one with a slightly high pitch asked.

   " If you call asking for directions flirting then yeah I am. "

   " She has a little fire in her Kaoru. " The one with a deeper voice said.

   " I know, she'll be fun to mess with in the future, Hikaru. "

   ' So the one on the left with the higher voice and bangs pointed to the left is Kaoru and the other one is Hikaru. Noted. '

   " Hey, don't bother her she's new! " Haruhi said, glaring at both of them.

   " Because-"

   " -you want us to bother you? "

   " Okay! " They shouted together.

They each put a hand under Haruhi's arms and started dragging her away. They were fast as they dragged her down the hall.

   " That's not what I meant! "

   ' And there she goes. Now, where is the nurse's office? '

You continued walking around, looking for any indication of the nurse's office. When you finally found it, you opened the door and walked in to see the nurse yelling at someone. There was a small blonde boy holding a stuffed bunny, searching through the nurse's drawers. Beside him was a tall guy with black hair and brown eyes. His face was neutral, and he just leaned against the wall waiting for the short boy.

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