I Love You

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   " Y/n! Pay attention to me!"

   " Tamaki, I'm kind of in the middle of something. "

Tamaki let his head fall on the Island top as he looked up at me with puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes at him and set my bowl of cream down. Tamaki didn't have any guests at the moment and came to visit me in the kitchen inside of music room 3.

   " Tamaki, you should prepare for your next set of guests. I need to get the pastries filled with the vanilla cream I just made. "

   " Take a break for a moment! Love me! "

   " Fine, you man child. "

   " I'm not a man child! I'm your prince. "

   " Fine, my prince. "

   " That's better, princess. "

Tamaki grabbed a towel on the counter and grabbed my hands. He gently started to clean them of the flour and cream that got on my hands from mixing the cream. I had to mix the cream and whip it by hand, which caused a little to spill on me. When Tamaki finished cleaning my hands, he held both of them, and his signature smile appeared on his face. Tamaki pulled me out of the kitchen and towards a couch, where he had been seeing his hosts today. He sat down with me beside him. He put an arm around my shoulders and brought me closer.

   ' Now that I think about it, our relationship hasn't gotten any further, than just cuddling, kissing each other's cheeks sometimes, and holding hands. We've never actually had our first kiss together. Should I ask him about it or let our relationship keep going? '

I decided to leave it alone and hug Tamaki. I continued to think about it, but I wasn't going to do anything about it. The hosts all knew about our relationship, but the guests didn't yet. No one outside of the host club knew of our relationship. Kyoya said it would be best to keep our relationship a secret, so we didn't lose business. Tamaki was apparently the host with the highest amount of requests, and if everyone knew that we were a couple, they would stop coming for his services. 

   ' I understand his position and everything about it. But I feel like something is missing in our relationship. '

Being a host with a girlfriend, Kyoya said, would be hard and difficult because one party would end up hurt or jealous, but that didn't seem to apply to us. Any break Tamaki got, he would come to visit me and talk with me about anything. And during the break, he would apologize for using his charms on other women. It was sweet that he apologized, and I appreciated it, so I didn't feel hurt at all about his job. 

   " I'm sorry again, princess. "

   " It's your job, Tamaki. "

   " I know, but I want you to know that I don't mean anything I tell them. I only love you and no one else. "

   " Thanks, Tamaki. I appreciate it a lot that you apologize, but I understand that it's your job and duty as a host. "

There was that word, love. Tamaki always said he loved you, but you had never said it back. You just agreed with him and never said the words 'I love you, too' back to him. 

   ' Is that what's missing? The fact I haven't told him I love him and out first kiss together? '

You loved Tamaki, you did, but you had just never told him that or expressed it as Tamaki has. Tamaki always expressed his love and care for you, but now you realize you haven't.

   ' I'll tell him. I will. '

   " Princess, is everything okay? You looked troubled. "

   " I'm fine, I just figured something out. "

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now