The Start of A Bad Day

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   " Good morning Gen. "

   " Morning my lady. Breakfast is ready for you downstairs. "

   " Thank you. I'll be down in a minute. "

Gen left your room, and you got out of your bed. You changed into your banana dress and fixed your hair. You smoothed out your dress and left your room. You walked down the hallways alone. The maids and butlers were probably all gathered together, eating in the kitchen. While you would be eating alone. It was silent, and all you could hear were your footsteps. There were many pictures on the wall, and one of the biggest ones was the family portrait. Your father was standing while your mother was sitting in a chair. You were five at the time and sitting in your mother's lap. Everyone was smiling in the painting. You shook your head at the painting and kept walking down the hall. 

   ' Maybe she'll be there. '

You passed another portrait, and it was more recent. You were twelve at the time. Your mother was sitting in the same chair, but she was wearing dark colors. You were standing beside her with your hands folded in front of you. Your faces were neutral, and there was no sign of happiness from the last picture. You kept walking after staring so long at the painting. You walked down the steps and into the dining room. The Inside was completely empty, and there was a lonely plate sitting at one of the chairs—no other plates telling you that you would be eating alone.

   ' Once again alone. What's new? '

You walked towards the table and sat down. You started eating your food and looked around the room. You remember that back in your younger days, this would be the main room of fun. When you were younger, your entire family would come and celebrate events or holidays. This entire room would be filled with happiness and excitement between adults and children. People toasting on New Years' and drinking hot cocoa on Christmas. Now it was empty, and no one came over anymore. The only person that the room had seen from those times were you. You placed your silverware down on the table, losing your appetite easily. Gen walked in and looked at you with concern.

   " Is it not to your liking? "

   " No, I've just lost my appetite. "

   " Okay. "

She took the plate from you and set it in front of her on the table. She turned towards you and put her hand on your shoulder. Gen was always there for you no matter what. Her mother worked here, and then she started working here. She became your personal maid if you ever needed anything. She knew you as well as an open book.

   " I know you miss her. But please understand that she has a lot of work and can't come home often to see you. Please don't be upset about this. "

   " Gen, I'm not upset that she isn't here. I'm upset at the fact that I'm here alone when I should be with a family that loves me. That wants me. It's clear that I don't have either of those things or a family for that matter. "

   " Y/n, please listen. I'm sorry you have to go through this and I wish what happened didn't. It was an awful time for your mother. It was hard for her to handle. "

   " So she chose work instead of taking care of her daughter. To view me as a mistake that she had with a man that she thought loved her? To drown in work instead of getting over it as I did? "

   " ... "

   " Gen I love you but I'm just not in the mood for pep talks this morning. I'll see you after school. "

   " I love you to my lady. "

She stood up and took your plate away from the dining room, and you stood to leave the huge house. You opened the doors to the manor and seen the limo sitting for you outside. You climbed in the car and headed to school. It took a little bit, but you got to the gates early. You walked through and kept your head down as you walked into the school. You didn't feel like talking to anyone today and wanted to be alone to sleep. To drown in sleep. But instead, you put on the fake smile you always have and walked to your first class. You sat down in your chair and waited for the class to start.

   " Excuse me! "

You turned toward the high-pitched voice and saw a girl standing beside your desk. She wore blonde hair that was tied in a braid. Her eyes were brown, and her face was decorated with freckles. She was as thin as a twig, and she had her hands glued together. Overall, you didn't know her.

   " Yes? "

   " I saw you at the ball dancing with Tamaki. I want to know what your relationship is with him! "

She slammed her hands on your desk, and it didn't make you flinch. You stared at her with a raised eyebrow. You remembered her now. It was the girl from the party. The one that followed you and Tamaki around all night. 

   " Who are you? "

   " You don't know who I am? Geez, you must have lived under a rock all these years. My name is Noya Sora! Remember that name! "

   " Okay and? "

   " You brat. Just answer the question! "

   " Tamaki and I are friends. That's all. "

   " How do I know you're not lying? "

   ' She's just like those other girls some weeks ago. '

   " Why would I lie? "

   " Because he told you to lie so he wouldn't hurt me!  "

   " You? "

   " Yeah me! I'm important you know! How stupid are you? "

   " Clearly I'm very dumb if I don't care about you that much. " You whispered to yourself.

   " Stay away from Tamaki! He is mine! "

   " Along with every girl in this school. "

   " You brat! I'm his special guest! "

   " How? "

   " He treats me differently than all of the other girls and that includes you! So, leave my Tamaki alone! "

   " Can't do that, he wouldn't let me get far. "

She stomped her foot on the floor and stomped out of the room, and you just rolled your eyes and started paying attention to the lesson. 

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя