Waking up

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   " Hikaru, Kaoru get over here. This may be  our only chance to hear what Haruhi was like in middle school. " Tamaki called to the two twins who were still sitting away from the table. 

   ' Tamaki! Don't you realize that Hikaru isn't in the best of moods right now? ' 

   " Sorry, but I'm not interested. Man, how stupid can you guys get? Where's the fun in sitting around talking about somebody's past. I don't see the appeal. Besides doesn't that guy realize how Haruhi doesn't want anything to do with him?"

Haruhi stood up from the table we were at and started walking towards the two twins. But Hikaru wouldn't shut up.

   " She's got plenty of friends. So she doesn't need you around, you get it? "

Hikaru turned towards Haruhi after hearing her footsteps, and I flinched when I heard Haruhi's hand connect to Hikaru's face. Tamaki held my shoulders and hid behind me, also a little frightened and uncomfortable with the tension and anger in the air. 

   " That's not something for you to decide, Hikaru! I'm not gonna tolerate you insulting my friends anymore, you got that? "

I noticed Hikaru tilt his head further down, and his tone was a little quieter. Definitely not the same before Haruhi slapped him.

   " But why...why should anyone else even matter to you? "

Then he stood up from the chair, clearly angry. I looked at Kaoru, and I could tell he didn't know what to do.

   " I thought we were your friends! Are we or aren't we? "

   " Hikaru! Wait for me! " Kaoru shouted.

The twins ran from the room and up the stairs to their shared room. I felt worried about them, especially Hikaru. Haruhi walked back to the table and sat down, and I heard Tamaki whisper, 

   " Their world is still so small. It's such a shame. "

   " Yeah, but they'll figure it out. Kaoru is more rational and he'll get things figured out.  Kaoru will know what to do. "

I felt my phone in my pocket vibrate. I brought my phone out and answered the call.

   " Hello? "

   " Is this Ms. Y/n? "

   " Yes, this is she. "

   " We are happy to inform you that Ms. Gen has woken up. "

   " She has!? " 

   " Yes, she has and she has been requesting you. Are you able to come down to the hospital and see her? "

   " I can! Tell her I'll be there in half an hour. "

   " Alright, goodbye. "

I stood up from the table and ran up to my room.

   " Princess! "

I ran inside the room and started packing all of my stuff into my bags. I grabbed all of my clothes and shut my suitcase. 

   " Princess, what's going on? Why are you packing up your stuff? Where are you going? " Tamaki asked, stepping into the room.

I stopped packing my stuff and turned towards him. He looked concerned as to why I was packing. I had two more days for this room, but I was leaving early, especially when he came to stay in my room yesterday.

   " Gen's woke up and I need to go see her. "

   " She's woken up? That's great! Let's go together and we can visit her. "

   " Yeah! Let's go-"

Arguing was heard from the other room, and I knew it was Hikaru and Kaoru. I closed my suitcase and looked towards Tamaki, knowing he had to stay.

   " Tamaki I think you should stay here. "

   " What? Why princess? "

   " I think you should stay because Haruhi is going to need you while dealing with this problem with Hikaru and Kaoru. And you know the most about the twins so you can be more helpful to her. "

   " But-"

   " It's okay, Tamaki. You need to take care of your hosts. I'll be fine Tamaki. "

   " But I don't want you to go on your own. I should be there in case something happens and I want to talk with Ms. Gen. She's your family and I want to talk to her and ask her for her approval of our relationship, since you have no other family. "

   " That's very sweet of you Tamaki, but you can talk to her another time. Your hosts need them. So go and make sure everything is okay. "

   " Okay. " Tamaki said with a pout.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to Tamaki with my bags and suitcase beside me. I put my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He returned the gesture and hugged me back but still pouted.

   " How about we go on a date when we're done here?

   " Really!? "

   " Sure. "

   " But I'm supposed to ask you. "

   " Then ask me after all the commotion here has been dealt with. "

   " Alright! "

   " Okay, I've got to go so I can get to the hospital. "

Tamaki squeezed me to his body before picking up my suitcase and bags. He walked with me down the stairs and to the front door/ I called a taxi, and they came to pick me up. Tamaki set my stuff in the back, and I gave him one more hug before I got in the car. 

   " I'll miss you~ " Tamaki said, crying.

   " Tamaki don't cry. We'll see each other later. "

I told the cab driver to go as fast as he could to the hospital, and aI waved at Tamaki when the taxi started pulling away.

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz