Jealousy and Heartbreak

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I left the central building and started making my way to the host club room in Music room three. It was time for everyone to change clothes, and that included me. Everyone had brought their clothes downstairs, but I left mine upstairs because there are fewer people around the host club. As I got closer, I could hear the sound of a piano being played. 

   ' Tamaki. . .'

The only person I knew that could play piano and be in the host room was Tamaki, but if he was there, then Lady Eclair would also be there. But I wasn't going to let their alone time interfere with my job, and right now, that was getting changed and going back downstairs. I twisted the handle and slowly opened the door.

   " Who is it? "

   ' I knew it, Lady Eclair is with him. '

I opened the door fully and stepped inside, shutting it behind me.

   " Oh, princess. What are you doing? " Tamaki asked, standing from the chair in front of the piano.

   " I came to change into my next outfit for the day. I left it up here so I wouldn't have to change downstairs. "

I continued to walk through the room to get to the changing rooms, but I stopped when I reached the door, and I turned towards Tamaki. There were some things that needed to be said and for him to understand.

   " Tamaki, everyone is upset with you for just disappearing like that. You know as well as I do that today isn't the kind of day you need to skip. We need you there. "

Tamaki seemed to flinch, but Lady Eclair just raised her golden spectacles and looked at me with them. I felt like telling her to put them away or to look at me like a normal person. 

   ' I'm not performing at the opera, you can put those down. '

   " I'm sorry but he belongs to me for the time being. "

   ' Belongs to you? Excuse me when did Tamaki become an object? ' I thought.

Lady Eclair put her spectacles down, and her baby blue eyes were looking at me like she knew who I was. Her eyes looked at me like they could read me like a book, and anything I said would be used against me.

   " Forgive me for asking, but do I detect a hint of jealousy? "

   ' I really don't like her. '

   " Oh, Y/n. Is it true? Is it true? Are you jealous? " Tamaki asked, stepping close to the couch, towards me.

I took in a deep breath and let it go. I walked into the changing room and changed into the next outfit for the day. Everyone was supposed to be wearing white suits while I wore an outfit almost similar. My outfit was the same color as theirs, and it was a fancy dress. There were only a few layers underneath that made it a little puffy, but it wasn't to the point it looked like cinderella's dress. The sleeves were off of my shoulders, and they were dramatic when they left my hands. The host club was wearing red with their outfits, so I had red accents on the dress, and on my feet were comfortable shoes. The dress didn't touch the floor, but it was to my knee. I stepped out of the changing room and faced Lady Eclair and Tamaki once again.

   " To answer your question, yes. I am a little bit jealous, but what girlfriend wouldn't be when her boyfriend walks away with another beautiful woman. "

I glanced at Tamaki, and when our eyes connected, the pain in my heart came back, and I had to turn away. I walked to the door and pulled the doors towards me so they would open.

   " Now, I need to go. The rest of the host club is working hard and with the appearance of my mother, I need to work harder. I'll see you down there, hopefully, Tamaki. "

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