The Host Club is Our Own Family

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   ' Time to change again. '

You grabbed the medieval dress that hung on the hanger in the changing room. You stripped off the dress from earlier and slipped on the medieval dress. The dress touched the floor, and it revealed your collar bone and shoulders a little, but it didn't go so far down that it showed any cleavage. Everyone had different colors, so the dress you wore was your favorite color. After slipping on matching shoes, you walked out of the room and sat beside Haruhi, who was dressed as a girl for once instead of a guy.

   " I don't understand. Why am I dressed as a girl? "

   " Aw come on, it's cosplay, so it's okay for you to dress like a girl. " Hikaru said, putting a finger in Haruhi's face.

   " I am one you know. " Haruhi said, pushing Hikaru's finger away.

   " Well? " Kaoru asked Kyoya.

Kyoya changed first so he could try and call Tamaki. He was needed for the final event of the Ouran Fair. It couldn't be done without all of the hosts, especially the president. You didn't want to see him, but you also knew that he was needed there instead of pampering Lady Eclair. Kyoya shut his phone and looked towards the window with a disappointed look on his face.

   " No luck. He's not there. "

   " I can't believe senpai didn't show. I really thought he was gonna make it, despite what she said. " Haruhi said, looking down at the ground.

You nodded to what she said and looked towards Kyoya. Kyoya's brows were creased, and he pulled his phone open and dialed Tamaki's number again. He put the phone to his ear once again and turned his back to everyone. He looked out of the window as it remained silent behind him. Everyone waited for someone to pick up, and this time someone did.

   " Hello, Shima? It's been a while, hasn't it? It's Kyoya. "

You watched Kyoya's reaction so you could get an understanding of what was going on. His face was calm at first, but it changed. His eyes became wide before his brows creased further, and he didn't look happy.

   " How could he be so stupid? "

Kyoya pulled the phone away from his ear and looked back at the hosts.

   " Evidently, Tamaki is planning to return to France. "

   " Huh!? "

   " Tama~Chan is going to leave us!? "

   " You're kidding me!? We just can't let it end so suddenly! " Hikaru shouted.

   " Hikaru. " 

Kyoya put the phone back to his ear and listened to Shima on the other end of the phone. You could feel tears prick the corners of your E/c eyes a bit, but you held them in and waited for Kyoya to talk.

   " Do you know when he's leaving, Shima? Why is he leaving so soon? Tamaki!  "

You stood up and ran to the window and looked outside. The other hosts joined you at the window, and you saw Tamaki sitting in a red convertible car leaving Ouran, sitting beside Lady Eclair. 

   " Tama~Chan! "

   " No way! "

   " The Ouran Fair isn't even over yet! "

   " My family's car should be in the parking lot! Haruhi let's go! " Kyoya said, shutting his phone and turning towards the only host who didn't stand up to look at the departing king.

Haruhi nodded, and everyone started running through the building to get to the parking lot. You ran through the school until you finally reached the main floor. Underneath would be the parking lot, where you could get in Kyoya's family car and go after Tamaki. As you turned the corner, you were separated from the group as your mother grabbed your arm tightly and glared down at you. The other hosts stopped and looked at you, wondering how you were going to get out of the scenario. Kyoya specifically looked ready to pull you away from your mother.

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now