Becoming a Leader

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I walked out of the changing room and looked at myself in the mirror. Today was the 43rd Ouran Fair, and the hosts were preparing to serve all those who came in. Everyone was taking control of the fair. The students were leading workers from their companies to show off their skills in leadership and organization. The Hosts were going to get the horse-drawn carriage while I got changed and started baking some of the desserts for the host club event. I looked in the mirror and looked at the outfit Kyoya had given me. It was different from the school uniform, and it was close to what the hosts were wearing today. I wore a black skirt with a tan, almost white, shirt. My shoes were comfortable but fancy, and my hair was done with my makeup. The tan shirt was loose and hung to one side, revealing my shoulder, and I wore a red choker around my neck. The hosts wore black slacks, black button-up shirts, and black shoes. On top of the black long-sleeved button-up shirt, they wore a tan, almost white, vest with a red bow. I was in charge of baking and serving the desserts. 

   ' It's weird being open to the general public instead of just the ladies a school. And we're not in the host club. I would rather be back in the music room instead of in the central building. '

I had a few desserts I had to bake before heading down to the central building. My chiefs helped me bake some last night, and I planned to finish them up this morning. Instead of my parents coming and helping or providing me their co-workers to help, my butlers, maids, and chiefs said they would help. They baked yesterday and this morning. I planned to meet them outside of the central building before the opening ceremony.

   ' So, all I need is a couple of fig tarts, fruit crepes, and a few poire belle helene. Shouldn't be too hard if I can do ten at a time. I can fit five tarts on the top and bottom shelves and that should suffice for a time period. The same thing with the crepes, I just need to stuff and fold them this morning since everything else was done last night. Then I'm ready to start making the poire belle helene. Let's get started on this so I can get them downstairs on the cart. '

The hosts would be doing their usual hosting and being respectful to the parents and families around. I would walk around with a cart of many desserts and taking orders from anyone who wants anything not on the cart. In total, we had five desserts. There were twenty of each, and my staff would be making more in the kitchen of the academy in case. I was going to finish up the ones I needed to this morning and bring them down to the central building and get ready to serve. 

   ' Today is going to be a long day. We'll have many more guests than before and most of them are families. The hosts will have to turn down their usual romantics and be more respectful of everyone's space. '

I finished off the last fig tart and set two trays of five in the oven, and let them bake while I started filling the crepes. I cut strawberries, bananas and washed the blueberries before getting the cream from the fridge. I felt my phone start to vibrate in the pocket of my skirt, and I took it out and answered it.

   " Hello? "

   " Y/n, we've come a little earlier than expected. " I could hear Gen say on the other line.

   " That's fine let me call Kyoya to direct you to the central building. Alright, I'm sorry we are just really excited to see you taking charge like this and to be apart of this fair. We weren't sure if you would want to participate. "

   " It's fine Gen, I understand. You shouldn't apologize, because I'm excited too. I'll call Kyoya. Be on the look out for someone with glasses dark hair, and a notebook in his hands. "

   " Alright, we will see you when you're done! We'll get all of the desserts set out and get the butlers ready to start taking orders and serving. The chiefs will head up once everything is ready. "

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