Tamaki Suho's Rival

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   " So, you're telling me that while I had a normal physical exam you guys were trying to conceal Haruhi's gender and there was a weird man looking for his daughter that you thought would hurt Haruhi? "

   " That's right! " Honey cheered.

I was currently sitting with Honey, and he was talking to me about the physical exam. They tried to help Haruhi by concealing her identity from the ladies of the school. Then a doctor was looking for his daughter, but she was at a different school. They all thought he would try and hurt Haruhi, but it turns out to not be true. 

   " I need to just hang around you guys more. I miss all the fun. "

   " Why weren't you with us during the physical exams? All of the ladies were there. "

   " I walked with my friend to another room where they were doing exams. The room you guys were in was full of people and so we went to another room. "

   " Friend? Who is this friend? " Honey asked, leaning closer to me.

   ' Why do I feel like he's trying to be menacing, but it's not working. '

   " Was it the Nori boy that waits for you every day outside of the host club room? " Kyoya asked, standing behind the couch.

   " Yes, we found each other in the crowded halls and walked to the examination hall together. "

   " You two seem to be pretty close. " Kaoru said, appearing on my side.

   " Just how close are you two? " Hikaru asked, appearing on my other side. 

   " According to my investigations, they are attached at the hip. Y/n's time with Onishi Nori ranks higher than the hours spent here in the host club with us. "

   " What? " I heard Tamaki shout.

I watched as he ran to the couch and grabbed my arms as he did a few days ago. His face was shocked, and he shook me lightly.

   " Y/n, you're supposed to spend time with us here in the host club! You spend all of your time with that boy and those shady twins! "

   " Well, Tamaki they're in my classes and I enjoy Onishi's company. "

He pulled away and seemed shocked at your words. He slowly laid on the floor and his eyes were closed with thick tear streaks on his eyes. He spread his arms out and laid on the floor, not making a move to get up.

   " My princess has replaced me. I have no reason to live. "

   " Tamaki-"

I heard the door open, and I saw Onishi standing at the door. He waved at me, and I realized I stayed longer than what I told him.

   ' He must have been curious about where I was. '

You held up one finger telling him to wait for another minute. He nodded and closed the door behind him. You gathered your stuff and waved goodbye to the other members, and walked out of the door. You walked with Onishi down the halls while Tamaki stood from the floor looking at the door. He was still as a statue and didn't move. 

   " It seems Y/n's popular with the boys. " Hikaru said, looking at Kaoru.

   " I wonder if she's interested in any of them. " Kaoru replied.

   " Probably. She has so many admirers it would be simple for her to date one of them and her chances of liking someone with all of those admirers is high. "

Tamaki flinched at their talk. His ear was big and ready to listen to their conversation.

   " It seems that Onishi guy is who she picks. "

   " Shame, once they start dating she'll spend less time here in the host club. She already spends enough time away from us for him. "

   " Just think when they're dating she'll probably quit working with us and we'll have to start ordering the desserts and snacks again. "

   " I will not allow it! " Tamaki yelled, clutching his fist.

   ' Got him! ' The twins shouted in their minds. 

   " Boys it's time for operation ' Find out what's going on between the host club's princess and her love interest'! "

   " More like his princess. " Kyoya said, scribbling down information in his notebook.

You were at your locker exchanging notebooks while Onishi was telling you awful dad jokes. Sometimes he would stop joking around, and you two would talk seriously about the real world. While the host club members followed you two around. Tamaki took mental notes in his head while Kyoya took notes in his notebook. Honey and Mori would observe you, and the twins were making mental notes while teasing Haruhi. You turned around and looked at Onishi and hit his shoulder. 

   ' She touched him! ' Tamaki screamed in his head.

You shut your locker and started walking away with Onishi. He stood by your side as you two walked to your next class. Your hand on his side was free, and you didn't notice it, but he kept looking down at your hand.

   ' He'll try making a move on our princess! He's going to attempt the most gentlemanly act and hold her hand as they walk! I must stop this! '

He stood from his hiding spot and leaped towards the two of you, but the twins held him back and let you two walk. He watched you two walk further away from him, and he watched as Onishi didn't grab your hand but put his in his pockets.

   ' Good! '

You were out of his sight, and he relaxed in the twin's hold. 

   ' Why am I acting like this? I never acted like this with women before. Why am I suddenly seeking Y/n's attention and acting defensive over her? '

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