His Dark Side

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I walked into the host club after changing back into my school uniform. The dress felt uncomfortable, and I wanted to go back to wearing my comfortable clothes. I walked in and saw Tamaki crouching on the floor and rolling a ball around with his finger. The others were looking at him, and I knew he would use those puppy dog eyes to convince them to help the newspaper club. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the books that I left in there earlier. I set my textbook on one of the tables and opened it to see my math work wasn't finished. I started working on the equations while I waited for Tamaki's trick to work. It didn't take long for everyone to fall under Tamaki's gaze.

   " There will be some conditions. The outline for their article will be submitted by us. Interviews are strictly prohibited and it is vital that our client's identities be kept confidential. Do we agree? "

   " Well, if you think it's cool Kyoya then we do too. " The twins said, stuffing their hands in their pockets. 

   " I'll do it if Kyo~Chan says it's okay. " Honey said, eating a piece of cake. 

Tamaki stood up and cheered. I was hugged from behind, and I realized it was Tamaki hugging me.

   " Why are you hugging me? "

   " Because I'm so happy! "

   " Shouldn't you be hugging one of the twins or Haruhi? They're the ones that really were involved here, not me. "

   " But I want to hug you. "

   " Fine, just don't make my hand move as I'm working. "

( The Next Day )

   ' So, the square root of 95 is 9.746 ane when you round it the new answer will be 9.7. Alright, that's all my math. '

The breeze blew by, and it swept my hair up. It was a nice day outside, and today we were taking a break from hosting so the newspaper club could write their articles. Though, they did look confused at what the other hosts were doing. Tamaki was playing a game of red light green light with the other hosts while I worked on homework.

   " You looked shocked. Do you know what this game is? "

   " No, I do not. " The president said, gritting his teeth.

   " It's basically red light green light. When he turns his back you can walk forward but when he turns around you have to stop. If you don't you have to start all over again. "

   " And what does this have to do with our coverage of the host club? "

   " To teach you guys friendliness. "

All three of the members looked even more shocked, and I continued to explain to them the reason. I stood up from the soft grass and faced the while holding my textbook.

   " Tamaki said that the only way for you guys to clean your reputation is to be friendly. And in his words, 'In order to capture the hearts of their readers, they must try to be more down-to-earth.' So he wants to show you guys friendliness. "

The president eyes me for a moment before opening his little black pocketbook. 

   " You're Y/n right? "

   " Yeah that's my name, but I thought you knew that. "

   " I'm not too good with names. I have to write them down and if I don't, I forget. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions? "

   " I don't think I should. "

   " Oh, please they're a few small questions. "

   " Alright then. I guess it would be fine. "

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt