The Last Day with Onishi

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It was finally Friday. After three days, it was Friday, and Tamaki was dreading this day. Honey was still going without sweets, but you also wouldn't be at school. He felt off, and he decided to call you to see if you changed your mind. 

   " Hello? "

   " Princess! How are you doing this morning? "

   " I'm doing fine. I just got ready to head out with Onishi. We're going to get breakfast and then he wants to take me somewhere. "

   " Where is he taking you? "

   " I'm not sure. He didn't tell me. "

   " And you're just going to let him take you somewhere without telling you! What if something happens!? What if you get hurt or kidnapped or he does something to you-"

   " Tamaki, I'll be fine. Onishi wouldn't hurt me and I trust him. Don't worry. "

   " You should just come to school instead. It's not right for you to be skipping. "

   " It's also not right to leave my friend before he's leaving. I want to make him happy today before he leaves for the airport. I'm going to hang up Tamaki, you're first-class should be starting any minute now. "

   " No, princess stay on the line with me! "

But it was too late; you had hung up. He set his phone in his pocket, and the bell rang, signaling that his class was in session. At the same time, you were opening your front door to see Onishi.

   " Hey, are you ready to go? "

   " Yes! Let's go! "

You grabbed his hand and ran out of your house, with him trailing behind you. He ran ahead of you and opened the limo, letting you go in first. He sat beside you and closed the door, and you were off on your day with Onishi. You both first went and got breakfast at an expensive place. You offered to pay, but he said you could pay for lunch, and then you both pay for dinner. You agreed, liking the idea, and ate peacefully. When you both finished, and he paid, he took your hand and decided to take a walk around the park.

   " Thanks for spending the day with me. I know you don't like getting behind in classes so it means a lot to me that you're here with me. "

   " Don't mention it, Onishi. You're going away and I want to at least give you a good day before you leave. "

   " Thanks. You mean a lot to me, Y/n. Remember that. "

   " I will. So, after this walk where do you want to go first? "

   " Well, I have some errands I need to run. I want to buy some paints before leaving. They have some paints in a small shop not far from here and I can't find them anywhere else, so I want to grab them before I leave. "

   " Alright. I'll follow you then. Wherever you want to go, I'll come! "

   " Thank you again. "

You two continued your walk around the park and laughed at each other as you talked about dad jokes. Onishi was able to bring a smile to your face, and yours were given to him as new material. Eventually, you both walked out of the park and went to the paint shop. When you walked in, you noticed the many canvases and paints that were on the wall. It was a lot for a small shop, but the paints weren't so expensive. There was a woman standing at the desk, and a smile came to her face seeing her favorite customer. 

   " Onishi! It's good to see you again! Do you need more paints? "

   " I actually want to buy your whole stock of paints. Specifically of the Finber Company brand. "

   " All of them? What's the occasion? "

   " I'll be leaving for a while and I want to buy my favorite paints before leaving. "

   " I'll gather them, and ring you up. "

   " Could I also walk to the back and paint a little? I'm spending my day with my friend here and I want to paint her. "

   ' Now, he didn't mention that. '

   " Sure, and it's on the house for the painting. As a gift to my favorite customer. "

   " Thanks, Mrs. Hallman. "

Onishi pulled you to the back, and you could see chairs and tables full of empty canvases and paints around. Onishi sat you on the stage and stood you there.

   " Just stand here, I want to paint you. "

   " Okay. "

Onishi walked to one of the canvases and picked up the brush. The paint was already on a tray, and he started his painting. You two talked during this time, but you kept quiet as he painted your head. While you were enjoying your time with him, Tamaki was walking around the halls wishing you were there. He felt lonely going to class because he would walk you to class sometimes. He hoped you were having fun, but he also wished it was him causing you to smile and laugh.

   ' Does she really think I treat her as a guest? Is it because I call her 'princess'? That's what I call my guests and her so is that why? '

Tamaki went through the day wondering why you saw him as a host and yourself as a guest. He didn't like that you viewed him as such, and he'll admit to himself that he loves you. But he wants you to see him as more than a friend and a host. His thoughts affected him so much that his guests were worried for him, seeing as he couldn't stay focused on them. Kyoya noticed this and knew what was wrong. But he stayed out of it. By the time you said goodbye to Onishi at the airport, you were sad and in tears. Onishi was too, and he hugged you goodbye. You watched as his plane took off and left you at the airport in a swarm of people. 

   " Goodbye, Onishi. "

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