Dating Kyoya

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   " So, Haruhi how are your classes going? "

   " They're going fine. None of them are really hard, but I think I need a little help in math. "

   " I can help you. I know a thing or two. "

   " It would be appreciated. It's not anything too hard, I just forget about the coefficients and-"

   " Targets-"

   " -captured. "

Hikaru wrapped his arms under Haruhi's arms, and Kaoru hooked his underneath mine. 

   " Wait! "

   " What the!? "

A limo drove in front of us, and the window rolled down to reveal the prince of the Host Club. He was wearing black thin sunglasses and a flower necklace. He looked at both Haruhi and me. 

   " Good work. Now take her with you. "

   " Roger! "

Kaoru let go of me and grabbed Haruhi's feet. They started dragging her away and towards another limo. They threw her in and jumped in after her. The limo screeched its tires before driving away. I looked back at Tamaki in the limo and found his eyes still looking at me. He opened the door and slid further into the limo.

   " Get in. "

   " Where are we going? "

   " You'll see. It's a surprise. "

You just shrugged your shoulders and climbed in the limo, and shut the door behind you. You put your books on the floor and looked at Tamaki. His whole demeanor seemed to have fallen flat a little. He wasn't peppy or excited; he was just there. His arms were crossed and laid on his crossed legs as he looked out of the window. I reached my hand out and touched his arm. He turned his attention to me fully instead of the outside world. 

   " Are you okay, Tamaki? "

   " Of course I am, Y/n. Why wouldn't I be? "

   " You just seem a little down, is all. And you used my name. "

   " Isn't Y/n your name? "

   " It is but usually you call me princess. "

   " You told me to stop so I did. "

   ' When did telling Tamaki to stop ever work? '

I let go of his arm and turned around in my seat to face the window. I decided to take a nap against the window as we rode to this surprise. 

   ' A little nap won't hurt, and maybe I can wake up and hope Tamaki is better. '

You closed your eyes and went to sleep while Tamaki looked over at your form. It was peaceful and calm, but Tamaki could still imagine you hugging Kyoya at the cherry blossom trees. It hurt him to even sit there and imagine it. His heart was already broken, and it was by his best friend and crush. He reached his hand out and pulled a few strands of hair out of your face. To him, you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

   ' I wish I had gotten to you first. Before Kyoya. '

He pulled his hand back and rested against the window, and decided to follow you to sleep. The two of you only woke up when the car was turned off, and you could spot a resort. Tamaki got out of the car, with you following, and you found Haruhi being dragged to the changing rooms. Tamaki pushed you in there, and you, with Haruhi, underwent the bathing suit process. The maids tried to get you to wear different bathing suits, but you picked one and went with it. Haruhi did as well, and when you both got out of the changing room, Tamaki handed the both of you different clothes while his face was red.

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now