The Amount of Privacy

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I listened to the bell ringing, and I picked up my stuff from the floor. The next period I had was a free class. I could relax somewhere, go to the Host Club, or take a walk around. I usually spend my time with Tamaki, but today I wanted to study. So, when I walked out of the room and Tamaki was standing in the hallway waiting for me, it was hard for me to turn him down.

   " What? "

   " I'm sorry, Tamaki, but I can't spend my free period with you. "

   "What!? Was it something I said? Something I did? Ohhh. . ."

Before I could even reply, Tamaki started making assumptions, and he went to a corner in the hall and was silently crying. I walked up to him and crouched beside him. He turned his head to look at me, and I started to speak, still having a hard time looking in his puppy eyes.

   " I have a very important test next period, and I can't fail it. I have to pass, so I want to go and study. That's all. "

   " Is it that hard of a test? "

   " I either get a one-hundred or a zero, Tamaki. It's hard. "

   " Alright, but can we at least have lunch together? "

   " Sure. "

I leaned down and gave him a short, sweet kiss. He smiled at me and seemed in a better mood. I stood up and patted his head. 

   " I'll see you later. "

   " I love you, princess. "

   " I love you too, Tamaki. "

I started walking away from Tamaki and down the hall. No one was in the hallway, so no one saw Tamaki and me kissing or saying we love each other. We never released our relationship to the school, yet and whenever we wanted to hold hands or be close, we would have to be somewhere private, to say I love you. 

   ' I wish it was easier. '

I walked into the library and set my book bag on the table, and pulled my notebook out. I sat down and started studying for the test that would come from my next class. I wanted to spend time with Tamaki, but I had to study. 

   ' So, because of the theory, we have to listen to its rules and use that theory and apply it to everything. The teacher said he was going to give us only one problem to solve, and it can be any of the ways you use the theory to solve the scientific equation. '

You continued to study in the library even when lunchtime came around. You didn't even notice the time. You kept your eyes on the notebook in front of you and on the textbook you pulled out of your bag. You stayed in the library instead of meeting Tamaki for lunch. This, made Tamaki worried.

   ' Where is she? She said we would have lunch together. '

Tamaki couldn't see you in the lunchroom, and he felt worried that he couldn't find you. He already had his tray of food, but he stood in the center aisle of the tables, and he couldn't spot you.

   " Tamaki, are you looking for somewhere to sit? Would you like to sit here? " One girl asked.

   " No, he can sit with me. It's much cleaner over here. "

   " What are you talking about? "

   " Shut up, you two! Tamaki you can join me over here. "

   " Thank you ladies but I will have to decline. "

Tamaki bowed to the group of girls and walked out of the cafeteria with his try still in his hands. The first place he checked was the library, and you were there, with your head asleep on the table. 

   " Cute. "

Tamaki walked further into the library and set the tray down on the table. He took a seat beside you and looked around the library. No one was in the library or around the bookcases.

   ' Now, our chance! '

Tamaki stood up from the chair and ran to the doors. He grabbed tables and chairs to barricade the door. He ran around the library and made sure no one was inside. No one was in the library and except for him and you, and he made sure the door was securely barricaded.

   ' Now, to get back to my princess. '

Tamaki got back to the table and sat down beside you again. The food was still warm, and you were still asleep. Tamaki put a hand on your shoulder and shook you lightly.

   " Princess~ "

   " Princess, wake up~ "

You slowly raised your head from your arms, and you looked up to Tamaki. Tamaki thought you looked absolutely adorable, and his smile was bright as he sat beside you.

   " It's lunch time princess! "

   " Oh, I'm sorry Tamaki. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Is lunch already over? "

   " No, I brought some for for us to share? "

   " And only one fork and one spoon? "

   " I'll have to feed you~!"

   " Tamaki, someone will see. "

   " No one will. "

   " How can you be sure? "

   " Because I made sure we were alone! We don't get to have many romantic moments except outside of school and in the host club during breaks. Even during our free period, we have to find a place to just hold hands. I want to spend my lunch with you, but I also want us to be alone so we can be ourselves. "

I felt a small smile appear on my face, and I kissed Tamaki's cheek.

   " That's very sweet of you Tamaki. I'm glad we got to be alone here. "

Tamaki leaned in and gave you a short kiss before moving your books away from you. He pushed the tray between you both on the table. He grabbed his fork and stabbed some of the food. He held the fork up to your mouth, and you took a bite. The food at Ouran was really good, and it was better than most of the food you had. 

   " That's so good! "

   " I'm glad I picked the right choice for my princess. "

Tamaki brought your chair as close to his as he could get, and he wrapped his arm around you while his other hand held the fork. He took some more food off the tray and ate some. He hummed, agreeing with your statement from earlier. You two sat in the library eating the food Tamaki had brought while remaining alone. No one went to the library, and if they tried, they thought that the doors were locked and walked past it. When the food was done eventually, Tamaki took your notes and started reading over what you wrote. You leaned against him, and he helped you look over your notes for the test. It was comfortable sitting in the chairs and relaxing together. From the cameras, someone was watching.

   " You know they'll have to reveal their relationship at some point. " Hikaru said to Kyoya.

Kyoya was looking at the monitor, specifically the one at the library. Kyoya got access to the cameras a week ago so he could get the picture of you and Tamaki sharing your first kiss in the Host Room. Now, being the worried mother he is, he uses the cameras to find where Tamaki is. 

   " I know, and when it happens I only hope the customers won't be harsh on them. "

   " They're practically made for each other. " Kaoru said.

   " It seems so. They make an amazing couple, and it's not forced, but actual love. Hmm I hope everything can go right for them, and that the guests won't hurt their relationship. "

   " We feel the same. " Hikaru and Kaoru said together.

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now