The Time Gap

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I put the last of the tea cakes into the basket and started running down the halls of Ouran Academy. Today was the Club's flower-viewing reception. Meaning that it was outside in the garden of cherry blossom trees. They were in full bloom, and the petals were falling softly. Since it was outside, you had to make the cakes in the host club room and run them outside when they were done.

   ' What a great job. I'm not fit for this. '

You made it outside and started heading towards the gates to the cherry blossom garden. There were many girls inside, along with the hosts dressed as waiters, except for Honey and Haruhi. You saw a table of sweets, and you put the basket on top of the table. Then, you started taking the sweets out one by one and organizing them on the table alongside the other desserts you made. You wiped your arm with your sleeve and continued taking the desserts out. 

   ' I'm glad Kyoya would at least let me what I want when I'm in the club. It's more comfortable wearing this than those yellow bananas. '

You grabbed the empty basket and took it off of the table. The wind was swift as it drifted by and sent flower petals your way. You walked to the gate and decided to lean against one of the trees to rest. You had been running around to get desserts outside, and it was tiring. 

   " Tired too? "

You opened your eyes and saw Haruhi standing in front of you. You smiled and stood up in front of her.

   " Yeah, running from the club room to here is really exhausting. Seeing as I'm not physically fit. "

   " It's better than being down here and watching the hosts with the ladies. I would rather be in the quiet host club room. "

I nodded, and we stood together. The wind was soft and calming. So, calming, I didn't notice the presence behind us.

   " Y/n, Haruhi, how are you doing? "

   " Tamaki? "

You turned towards him and saw the waiter's attire he was wearing. Haruhi stood beside you and turned towards him as well.

   " The flower-viewing reception is going over quite well. But even so, it's rather daunting to spend more time being admired than doing the admiring. "

   " You're blooming today. "

   " In more ways than one. " Haruhi said, adding to my sentence.

   " You noticed! Yes, today my beauty is quite splendorous. I'm in full bloom! I bet you'll fall for me soon, Y/n. "

   " What's with the poses he does? " I asked Haruhi.

She just shrugged and turned away from Tamaki. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me into a chest. The same was happening to Haruhi, but with Hikaru. Meaning Kaoru was behind me and holding me to his chest. They both held scheduling papers, and their smiles weren't mischievous this time.

   " Have you two decided your elective courses for this term? " Hikaru asked.

   " Not really. "

   " How about conversational French? "

   " I'm not sure. I would have to think about it. "

   " I think the four of us should take it together. It makes perfect sense. We are in the same class. " Both twins said.

You turned around and saw Tamaki sitting in a crouched position. He was in front of one of the cherry blossom trees holding his knees together.

   ' Why is it at the mention of Haruhi and I being with the twins in the same class do this to him? '

   " Say, Mommy, dear? "

   ' Who is he referring to? '

   " What is it now, daddy? "

I looked towards who responded and saw that it was Kyoya. He didn't seem to mind, but he hesitated to say the word, ' daddy.' I looked between the two of them once more and put the pieces together.

   ' Either it's because he is the vice president or Tamaki and Kyoya swing that way. '

   " I have a new theory. I mean, it's just my hypothesis, but it seems by being in the same class, Hikaru and Kaoru are able to spend more time with Y/n than I get to here at the club. This gives them a chance to get close to her. And if that happens-"

   " Tamaki, you just now realized that? " Kyoya said back. 

Then Kyoya pulled a board out of nowhere with piecharts on them.

   ' He's been waiting to do this, hasn't he? '

   " According to my research in a single day, the twins spend roughly nine hours of class time with Y/n. Meanwhile, your contact with them is limited to a couple of hours of club activities. "

   " So, that's roughly 3%, right? " I asked Kyoya.

   " Correct. I'm so very sorry, Tamaki. " He said with a smile on his face. 

   " I don't want to hear it! "

I felt my shoulders being grabbed, and Tamaki came close to my face.

   " Listen Y/n, I want you to stop hanging out with those shady twins from now on! "

   " Who're you calling shady? "

   " Yeah, take a good look at yourself, boss! " I heard the twins shout in the background.

   " Yes, that's it. All daddy wants is for you to go back to being the girl you used to be! For you to surround yourself with girl friends and start leading a wholesome life! " 

He let go of me, and I could envision the invisible tears in his eyes. I looked at Kyoya and saw he was scribbling in his notebook. I was curious about what he could be writing and realized it was probably for the stuff he was selling. 

   " You to Haruhi! "

He now grabbed Haruhi's shoulders and shook her a little bit.

   " So do it! Change back, now! Change, right now! "

I shook my head and looked at the dessert table to see it almost empty. I still had my basket in my hands, and I realized that I needed to get back to the Host Club room and get the cake out of the oven before it burns. I tapped Tamaki's shoulder lightly.

   " Don't worry so much Tamaki. "

He turned to me, and I could once again see the thick tear streaks. He grabbed my shoulders and brought me into a tight hug. I pushed against him trying to get out of his hold.

   " I need to go get the cake or it will burn! "

I tapped his arms once more, and he let me go. I started running into the academy while hearing Tamaki cry about how I left him.

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