The Ball

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When I walked into the host club room, I could see Haruhi dancing with a guest. She was stumbling around and having trouble dancing. It looked to be a waltz, but she was stumbling around a lot. I could see Tamaki sitting in the window looking depressed, and I decided to ask the twins what was going on.

   " What's wrong with Tamaki? "

   " I think he wanted to be the one to teach Haruhi. " Hikaru said

   " He's too tall though, so that wouldn't work. " Kaoru said.

   " Yeah, He would tower over her. "

   " So, Y/n do you think you'll dance with us tonight? " They said simultaneously.

They put their arms through mine and held them. One of them was on my side while the other was on my other side, trapping me between them. They were smirking at me, and I just rolled my eyes at them.

   " What's tonight? "

   " The ball silly! "

   " You didn't know about the ball? "

   " No. No one ever told me about it. "

   " I wasn't sure if you wanted to go, so I never mentioned it. " Kyoya said, walking up to us.

   " Yeah, you're right there. Since I'm not required to go I don't think I will. "

   " Come on! "

   " You've gotta come! "

   " Why? "

   " So, we can dance and have fun together! " The twins said together.

I unhooked my arms from them and walked away from them, shaking my head. I walked towards the window, and Tamaki didn't notice me. He just kept looking at Haruhi. I sat down in front of him, and I placed my hand on his arm. I shook his arm a little bit, and his face turned towards me a little. His hair still covered his eyes a bit, but his violet eyes looked at my e/c gems.

   " Tamaki I know you wanted to dance with Haruhi but she needed someone their height to do it. Please understand. "

He didn't say anything but looked down at my hand that was holding his arm. He didn't say anything, and I just shook his arm a bit. Finally, his eyes came back up to mine.

   " You can dance with her later I'm sure. Cheer up! You have a lot of things to look forward to. "

His smile came back to his features, and it was bright. He moved his hand through his golden locks, and they moved back in place.

   " Thanks, princess. I feel much better! "

   " You can stop calling me princess. It's not a good nickname for me. "

   " W-What? "

   " Don't worry about it. I gotta go. Kyoya will get my butt if I don't start making those cupcakes he wanted. "

I stood up from the window and started walking to the kitchen. Before I could go any further, someone grabbed my wrist and tugged on it. I turned around and faced Tamaki once more.

   " Yes? "

   " Are you going to the ball? "

   " I'm not sure. If I'm not required then probably not. I would rather be home eating ice cream and watching some shows. "

   " Please. "

He clasped his hands together and showed me his puppy eyes—the ones no one could resist agreeing with.

   " He's used his most powerful technique. The Irresistible puppy eyes. " Honey said, looking at us with wide eyes. 

   " He must really want Y/n to go to the ball tonight. "

Mori nodded at Honey and continued to watch us. I felt sweat start to form on my head as I couldn't look away from Tamaki's puppy dog stare. I bit my lip and tried looking somewhere else, but he grabbed my hands, and my attention was brought back to Tamaki. 

   " F-Fine. I'll go. " 

   " Thank you, my princess! "

He jumped up and let go of my hands. He pulled me into a hug, and he was smiling like an idiot. I didn't return the hug, but I just let him hug me, knowing I wouldn't be able to escape unless he let me go. It was a tight hug, and I was pressed against him tightly. I tried pushing against him to escape, but it didn't work. 

   " Tamaki you have guests to attend to and Y/n has cupcakes to bake. "

Kyoya pulled me out of Tamaki's hold, and Tamaki just looked at Kyoya like he was shocked but really wasn't.

   " Kyoya! I was just hugging her! "

   " She has a job to do. "

   " But Kyoya!!! "

Kyoya turned me around and started pushing me to the kitchen and away from Tamaki. I looked back to Tamaki and waved at him. I walked the rest of the way to the kitchen. I grabbed the slower and measured it. I continued baking the cakes until I could leave. When I did, I met up with Onishi, and we started talking. Usually, I would bake the cakes and leave. Onishi would wait for me, and we would walk to our next class, laughing at Onishi's bad dad jokes.

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now