Looking at the Future Pt. 2

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I stood with Kyoya against the wall as Nekozawa explained the plan to the hosts. I wasn't interested in helping them trick the others, so I was going to stay with Kyoya as everything went down. Tamaki begged me to go with him, but I told him that I didn't want to be part of the prank. I didn't want Haruhi to be mad at me later. I knew they put their plan into action when I could hear screaming. Like lightning, the class 1-A Rep ran by with Kaoru behind him. Nekozawa's butler and maid pushed them into a room before putting sandbags against the door to block them in.

   " My fright strategy was perfection itself. Kyoya, Y/n, you're not joining in on the fun? " Nekozawa asked.

   " I'm not. " Kyoya said without looking up from his book.

   " I'm not either, I'd rather watch. "

Nekozawa just shrugged his shoulders and walked off, probably to find Tamaki. I stayed with Kyoya and read the book he was reading together. We moved to the stairs to sit and wait for the others, and we continued reading his book. He was shining a light on it so we could see the words.

   ' This is nice. '

Ever since I talked with Kyoya all that time ago about my family, he's been friendly and understanding towards me. 

   " You know at one point your relationship will have to be revealed. "

   " I know. It has to at some point. "

   " Are you ready for when that happens? "

   " Ready? "

   " When it's revealed Tamaki won't lose customers, but you might receive some backlash from dating him. Some girls won't be happy about it, and they won't take their anger out on Tamaki. "

   " I know that I'll be the target for their anger, just like Noya Sora. I'll be blamed for taking Tamaki away from them, or for not being good enough for him. That's the one thing I'm worried about when the time comes. I told Tamaki that I feared for his future girlfriend because she'll have to understand his position and be fine with it, but there's more to it. "

   " Like revealing the fact he has a girlfriend. "

   " Yeah. "

   " And what will you do if it becomes too much for you? "

   " I'll have to find a way to deal with it. I don't want to break up with Tamaki, and I don't plan on it, so I hope it doesn't get that bad. "

   " If you need someone to talk to I'm here. "

   " Thanks, Kyoya. I appreciate it. "

   " I'm rooting for you guys. You two fit perfectly together, and Tamaki seems very happy to have you in his life. So, don't let some people's anger tear you two apart. "

   " I'll remember that, Kyoya. "

   " Just don't repeat what I said to anyone and we won't have a problem. "

I nodded my head and continued reading with Kyoya. The book was a mystery about Jack the Ripper. Kyoya would finish the page and wait for me to get done reading it, and then he would turn the page. It was really interesting. 

   " Princess! Kyoya! "

I looked down the hallway and saw Tamaki running towards us, out of his costume. He was in his regular clothes instead of the clothes Nekozawa gave him. 

   " Is it over? " I asked.

   " It is! We scared the pants off of everyone! "

   " Well, that's great. I'm going to head home now, that the business is taken care of. " Kyoya said, standing up and walking away. 

I stood up and met Kyoya at the bottom of the stairs.

   " Ready to go? "

   " Yeah, let's be off. "

Tamaki grabbed my hand, and we started walking through the lonely hallway. There was no one in the halls to see us holding hands or seeing us so close to one another. We swung our hands up and down as we walked through the halls, smiling like idiots. When leaving the building, Tamaki opened the door to the limo for you first. You slipped into the limo, and he shut the door as he got in. 

   " Can I stay the night, again? " Tamaki asked.

   " Sure, but don't you need to grab some clothes? "

   " Yeah, we'll stop by my home first and then we'll go to yours. "

   " Alright. "

As the limo was heading towards Tamaki's house, I continued to think about what Kyoya said. I knew we wouldn't have much time left before someone spotted us holding hands or doing something romantic. Someone would catch us, or something would happen where we needed to tell everyone in the school that Tamaki Suho is off the market. When that would happen, I'm not sure, but it felt like it would be soon.

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