The Truth

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You were rolling out the dough on a counter. The hosts were sitting at a table trying to decide what to do with the twins. Apparently, you missed a couple of fights between the twins, and it was because Haruhi knew the difference between them. She wasn't the only one, you knew, but you didn't want to get involved. You weren't having the best day. You just wanted to go home.

   " Looking at the numbers, if this situation isn't resolved, I'm afraid we're going to have to stop offering our brotherly love package. We're down one pair of loving brothers. Oh, Haruhi, I just want you to know there's no reason for you to feel responsible, even though it was your tactless comment that started this whole feud between the twins in the first place, right? "

I looked at Kyoya, and he just shrugged his shoulders. I put a tart in front of everyone to eat and took a seat beside Haruhi. I patted her shoulder and laid my head down on the table. 

   " It's weird for Hika-chan and Kao-chan to be fighting like this. It's never happened before. " Honey said, adding to the conversation.

   " They've never fought before? " Haruhi asked.

   " I've known HIkar and Kao-chan since we were in pre-school. We weren't in the same year, so I never really got to talk to them, but I remember that the two of them always played together. "

   " Yeah, that's true. I mean, I've only known the twins since they were in middle school, but they definitely stood out. It seemed like they kept everyone at a distance except each other. Believe it or not, they were even more warped back then. When you stop and think about it, maybe this fight is a good thing for them. " Tamaki said, including his take on the fights.

I raised my head and looked at the roses that sat in the vase on the table. They were in full bloom and beautiful. The thorns were taken off of them so they wouldn't hurt anybody. 

   " Maybe it means the twins are expanding their horizons a bit. We should just leave them alone and let them work it out. "

Haruhi turned back to the window to look outside. Today was just a day of reminiscing and remembering. You just sighed and laid your head back down but raised it when Kyoya called you.

   " Y/n, is there something wrong with the products we bought for you to make desserts? "

   " No, why? "

   " This tart doesn't taste right. It tastes like it's missing something. "

   " Yeah, it does. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe more sugar! " Honey said in a declaration-like tone. 

   " I might have missed something. Today's not my best day. "

   " I see. Are you feeling unwell? " Kyoya asked, putting his pen to the paper in his notebook.

   " No. I just need time for myself. Like Hikaru and Kaoru. "

   " What happened today to make you like this? " Tamaki asked. 

   " Nothing for you guys to worry about. I just need to be on my own for a bit. "

You stood up from your chair and left the music room. You closed the door behind you and decided to take a walk in the garden the academy had in the back. There was a rose bush maze you wanted to take a look at. 

   " Y/n! Wait for me! "

You turned around to see Tamaki running towards you. When he reached you, he put his hands on his hips and smiled at you.

   " A prince never lets his princess go on his own. "

   " Tamaki I'm not your princess. "

Instead of standing in front of you, he was crouching down and playing with a lone mushroom on the floor. He just poked it, and you shook your head at him. You grabbed his sleeve and started walking out of the school. You walked to the garden and gazed at the flowers. Nothing was said between you two, and the silence was calm.

   " You know there's a small sitting area in the maze. Let me show you. "

He took your hand and led you into the maze. You followed him around turns, and you could see a white gondola. There were seats lining it with a table in the middle. He took a seat and sat you beside him. You let the breeze blow around you and calm you down. 

   " I noticed later in the day. That you weren't feeling the best today. Why are you so down princess? "

   " I'm fine Tamaki I just didn't wake up on the right side of the bed and as the day progressed it got worse. "

   ' That's not a full lie. It has gotten worse through the day, but waking up this morning wasn't the start of my bad day. It was eating alone for the one-hundredth time. '

Tamaki moved your head towards him. He stared into your eyes, and he sighed, leaning his body against the seat.

   " You have no need to lie. You can tell me the truth. "

( Flashback )

   " Stay away from Tamaki! He is mine! "

   " Along with every girl in this school. "

   " You brat! I'm his special guest! "

   " How? "

   " He treats me differently than all of the other girls and that includes you! So, leave my Tamaki alone! "

( Flashback over )

   ' Why am I thinking of her now? I'm not afraid I just don't want to get in trouble for something stupid. It won't be worth my time. '

   " Princess? "

You shook your head, realizing that you zoned out. 

   " Tamaki you'll know in time. "

   " Why not now? "

   " Because it's not the right time. "

    " When will it be? "

   " I don't know. "

   " Is it okay now? "

   " No. "

   " Now? "

   " No. "

   " What "

   " Tamaki! " 

You hit his shoulder with a slight smile, knowing what he was trying to do. There was an emotion you saw grace his eyes for a moment before disappearing. His smile was small and soft. 

   " There's the genuine smile I missed. "

   " Oh, shut up you flirt. "

   ' Is this the treatment she was talking about?........ Nah, she was just a jealous bitch. '

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang