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Play the music now, please.

Tamaki said goodbye to his guests as they left out of the Host club room. He had decided to take care of Shiro's problem tomorrow. He knew what exactly he needed to do to help the little brat. Tamaki looked to the kitchen and noticed your lack of presence in the host club room and in the kitchen. 

   ' Where did my princess go? '

Tamaki picked up his school bag and decided to look around the academy for you. He noticed Kyoya left at some point and never returned. He wasn't worried for Kyoya but more for where you could be. He decided that while he looked for you, he would figure out his emotions for you. 

   ' These feelings started developing a few weeks ago. What are they exactly? '

He checked all of the classes and then started heading to the nurses to see if you went there. 

   ' I never felt this before. It's not sadness or disgust. It's more like happiness and fuzziness. Is this what my guests feel like when I talk with them? '

You were not in the nurses, and now he's decided to walk around until he found you.

( Flashback )

   " So, you'll sell the footage for the host club? "

   " How else is the club going to make money? "

I had just walked around the corner with Haruhi and Kyoya. Renge had run inside to think about things, and we let her go. She needed to think on her own without anyone influencing her thoughts. 

   " Guys! Something's wrong with Y/n! "

I looked up towards Honey's voice and saw Y/n being held up by the twins. Honey was holding her hand, and the twins were on both sides of her keeping her upright. She looked like she was going to faint at any moment. I started running towards them, and Y/n fell to the ground and sat on her legs. I sat in front of her and tilted her face up to look at me. She was pale, and her eyes showed she was tired. I was scared that she would pass out or that she was hurt, and I felt fear and worry for her.

( Flashback Over )

   ' I felt empathy for her. I know I would rather have had her exhaustion than have her deal with it. She was really tired and she didn't deserve to be worked like a dog. '

Tamaki was looking all over but could not find you anywhere. He had run into the twins, and they had said that they never saw you. Then there was that rival of his, Onishi. He remembers acting possessive of you. He didn't like it when Onishi was going to try and hold your hand, and he wanted to do it. The fuzzy feeling he had never left him when he thought of you.

   ' Her smile makes me feel warm and it brightens up my day to see her happy. I want her to be as happy as possible and I want to give her that award-winning smile. '

Tamaki started smiling at the vision of you smiling at him in the rose garden. It was genuine and not fake like some of the other smiles you showed him. He wasn't dumb either (maybe). He could tell something was wrong with you at home. He could tell because of how you acted after you passed out and started eating when you woke up. You dodged the questions or didn't answer them fully. Then you stuttered when you left him in the host club room to get out of the big question.

   ' I just want to be there for her. I want to be her knight in shining armor. I want to protect her and make sure she's safe and she knows how much I care for her. '

Tamaki walked outside looking for you now. He wasn't going to leave a stone unturned. He was going to look for you, and when he couldn't find you, he would then panic and say you were kidnapped. 

   ' She makes me happy. She makes me smile and she cares about me. She makes me happy in my sad moments and I always want her near me. '

He spotted the cherry blossom garden and started walking towards it. He saw your uniform and back and smiled at just seeing your figure.

   " I think I know what this is. This is love, isn't it? " He asked himself.

He smiled at his question and touched his cheeks. They were warm, and he knew then and there that he was right; it was love. His heart was beating rapidly, and he loved the feeling of it beating so drastically in his chest. He was about to call you when he saw you hug someone. His smile faded, and his heart stopped beating so fast. In fact, it hurt now. He put his hand over his chest; his heart hurt really bad. You were hugging Kyoya, and Kyoya was hugging you back. He felt betrayed by his best friend. Tamaki felt a tear or two in his eyes, and he turned back towards the building. He knew that you two didn't see him, and he ran back inside and leaned against the wall. He was still holding his chest, and it hurt to his core. He dropped his bag and felt his body shake. The tears in his eyes started falling, and he covered his eyes with his other hand.

   " Am I too late? "

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now