The Return of Lobelia

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I walked into the building with the lobelia girls screaming around me. Chizuru and Hinako held my arms as they led me further into the building. The girls screaming around me was loud and unbearable, to the point I covered my ears as they walked me through Lobelia. 

   ' They're worse than the girls from Ouran. I swear with this screaming you would think the twins were flirting with each other back at Ouran. '

The two zuka club members led me through their school and into their club room. I didn't even get time to look around before they took me to a separate room. It looked like a changing room with sheets hanging up around the room and clothes everywhere.

   " We found your size, so you can go change and we'll come back to check on you. " Chizuru said. 

   " Thanks? "

The two official students left the room, and I walked to one of the changing stations. I pulled the curtain around me, and I started changing into their uniform. The white socks stretched a little past my knees, and the light yellow heeled shoes fit my feet perfectly. The skirt went from my knees to my mid stomach. The shirt was short, and it would have exposed my stomach if it wasn't for the skirt covering it. The sleeves reached my arms, and I tried fixing the bow, but I was having trouble fixing it. I walked out of the changing room and walked towards a full-length mirror. As I stood in front of the mirror cleaning myself up, another changing room sheet moved, and I could see Haruhi appearing out of the room. I turned around and faced her, leaving my untied bow to sit on my chest.

   " They got you too Haruhi? "

   " Yeah, I was leaving my apartment to go to the supermarket, but when I reached the bottom of the stairs they grabbed my arms and put me in a limo. "

   " Huh, usually that's the twins trick whenever Tamaki plans to go and do something with the Host Club. "

   " Right? How did you get here? "

( Flashback )

   " Gen, I'm going to go and take a walk. "

   " Alright, I'll have lunch done when you get back. "

   " Thank you. Don't work to hard okay? You're still recovering. "

I opened the door to my house, but when I took a step out of the building, I could feel my arms being grabbed. The person went from behind me to in front of me, and I recognized Benibara. She was smiling as she held my hands.

   " Naiden! You look splendid today! The sun heightens your beautiful features and as it makes your skin glow in prowess. "

   " Hi, Benibara. What can I do for you? "

   " Oh, how kind of you to ask. Maiden, it's time for you to be free of the insolent men of the Host Club. "

   " Huh? "

   " Let us be off! To Lobelia! "

   " Wait, what? "

Benibara dragged me to her limo and took off while Gen stood at the door and watched the whole scene. She sighed and shut the door behind her. 

   " I guess, I can cancel her lunch plans. I'll have to inform Tamaki that she isn't home anymore."

( Flashback Over )

   " Oh, so she went to get you while the other two got me. Well, I don't think we're officially joining the Zuka Club or Lobelia. "

    " Yeah, we'll see why they brought us here when they get here. "

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat