Chapter Twelve

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I was sorting out some papers when the doors of my office flew open, revealing my brother who bounce on his way to give me a big bear hug.

I squirmed and wiggle out of his grip. "Gosh! Don't hug me David, you smell like shit." He is mabango naman but this is our normal interaction with each other lang.

"My baby sis always hurts my feelings. Don't you miss me?" he gave me pout.

I glared at him but hugged him back anyway. Since kids, we are close na talaga and we rarely have extreme fights that lead to not talking. He is one of my role model, except for picking a partner. He sucks at it. So much. He plays around a lot, not that I don't, pero his ways kasi is so red flag that I always scold him for breaking a lot of girls' heart.

When we pulled apart, I eyed him from head to toe. "Why the sudden pop out of nowhere? Are you tired of traveling and having fun all around the globe?"

His expression instantly change from playful to serious, which made me stood up straight. "Is there something wrong?"

He clasp both his hands and took a deep breath. "Sis, I have to tell you something."

I raised my brow, my heart started to beat erratically at the suspense. I swear if it's bad news...

"So remember when I was traveling to London, having fun with those-"

I cut him off, glaring. "Just get to the point already! You're killing me with the suspense."

"Fine, I am having a son," he blurted out, then casually sat on the chair located in the side part of my office, staring at me as if he didn't spill something major about his life.

Not really believing him, I asked, "S-son? Like yours? A boy? From you?"

He nodded.

"How?" It was the stupidest questions to ask but my mind is still processing the news.

"I had sex, we didn't use protection. That's why." He acts as if it's no big deal, while I fan myself with the papers, shocked by everything he said. I just can't believe he's actually going to have a child this early because he isn't the settling type of guy.

"Who? The mother? Do I know her?"

He nods at the question, sitting up. "It's actually, Ally. Remember her? We met at London, we clicked, and it pop us a baby."

My eyes grew wide at the mention of Ally. Ally was a friend of mine and she has a sister, Annie, whom is very close to me too. Which made my eyes grew wider then I made an 'ohh' sound. "I don't know what to say."

He chuckle. "Maybe congratulations?"

I nod dumbly. "Right, that's acceptable. Congratulations. But what the heck? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

He shrugged. "I want to surprise you."

"Damn you, David." I tried so hard not to throw him the pen in front of my table.

"Yes, I love you too. There's going to be a dinner at home. Ally and her fam is going to be there. I'll see you tonight?" he said, standing up.

I nod at him, still shock at his revelation. I can't believe he is going to be a father. However, the thought about him and Ally ending up together somewhat makes me happy. Ally is a great friend, she is kind and very pretty so I wonder why she ends up being with my brother.

I shook my head. Well, love is a mystery.

But still, this is so unbelievable.

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