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Most empires were experts at neglecting their colonies. Do you really expect that one empire could care for dozens of colonies and manage their giant empire? No, they didn't care enough for that. So usually most colonies lived back at their own place and pretty much raised themselves or each other. 

People often think that America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were France's and Britain's children, but they both had massive empires with many dozens of colonies between them, why would both of them together raise only 4 of them? 

No, they didn't, and what about their other colonies? Britain controlled 1/4 of the entire world and had lots of colonies. 

Although there were some empires who had a few colonies, they did pay more attention to the few colonies they had, but those who actually had some size to them might have had their names remembered by their empire, but those tiny islands in the middle of the ocean? They were often forgotten about and ignored. 

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