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Because sovame is my otp, here are some couple headcanons I have for the 2 of them: 

- The nicknames they call each other are insults

- They aren't very romantic or fluffy, which is good because they aren't very romantic people

- It took them forever to realize their feelings for each other, after WW2, they knew they felt strong emotions about the other, but had mistaken the love for hatred, hence the cold war

- When the cold war started, some of the romantic countries noticed that they might have had feelings for each other, but do to the fact that they were the 2 most powerful countries and the decisions they made would effect the entire world and could destroy the world very easily, they didn't say or mention a single thing.

- When they did realize their feelings, they kept their relationship a secret because they were in the middle of a cold war against each other and them being together seemed impossible with the things they were doing. 

- They are both massive space nerds, even during times of great tensions between the two, they could always have a civil discussion over space (and aliens).

- They are both switches (in bed), but due to having America having wings, he would be big spoon most of the time

- America's wings are fluffy, and when he hugs people he likes to wrap his wings around the person he is hugging (everyone likes this).

- Soviet is more used to the cold and America is more used to the warmth, so whenever they are in a cold place, America usually wraps his wings around himself to keep warm, and Soviet finds this very cute, and sometimes Soviet would join in the hug and always feels very nice and warm when doing so (but Soviet would only do this in private)

- Soviet is taller and physically stronger, but America has wings and is more skilled in fighting

- They can and have both been to space, but only America has been to the moon, so he got some moon rocks and gave some to Soviet

- For America and Soviet, the cold war was a massive prank war, it helped relive tensions so that they wouldn't actually start a direct war and neither got hurt. They usually like to pull complex and well thought out pranks against each other, but soon they pulled pranks on other people, these pranks were more of the simple well known pranks and no one would guess it was them because why would the world super powers pull such stupid pranks?

- During April fools day, most countries would hide in a bunker to avoid getting pranked the entire day, America and Soviet knows where the bunker is, every year the bunker is filled with traps and pranks, and nobody knows it was them because they actively tried to keep it a secret from America and Soviet, but they still found out on their own.

- One of the reasons why they never dropped nukes on each other is because they both had children (they also had feeling for each other but didn't always know it) so they had an unspoken agreement that they wouldn't harm the children, even if they were captured spying on them. When a child is captured, they would always return the child unharmed and taken care of.

- At one point they created a secret sign language between only the two of them so they could secretly communicate during meetings and possibly discuss cold war business should they get bored.  

- Everything they did to try and one-up the other was really done to actually impress them, although they might not have known it at the time

- When Soviet died, he left a gift to America, it was a wedding ring, nobody knows Soviet gave it to him and he wears it underneath the gloves he wears, when people see it they ask about it, but America never tells them, he also bought a matching ring for Soviet and gave it a burial as a sort of funeral for him.

- Soviet kept a diary of the cold war and there is mention of his and America's relationship, the diary is now in Russia's possession, but he never had the guts to read it, Russia also blames America for Soviet's death because of the cold war

(this is my otp and my headcanons, and i do understand if you don't ship it, nothing is wrong with having different ships and different headcanons from another person, there is no canon)

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