Australia and New Zealand

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This chapter is going to mostly be about the research I've done on how old these 2 are, I am American so I don't know a lot on the history of these 2 places 

The British put their first colony in Australia in 1788, the people were convicts (New South Wales) 

and the first British colony in new Zealand was in 1840 (Wellington)

The Dutch discovered new Zealand in 1642 (Abel Tasman), and Australia in 1606 (William Janszoon)

Australia had been populated by the aboriginal people for thousands of years and New Zealand by the Maori people since about 1320-1350 AD from Polynesian settlers 

Australia got their independence in 1 January 1901

New Zealand got their independence in September 26, 1907

I am not sure how much of this is true or accurate as this took me about 15mins of googling and how much I missed, so take this all with a grain of salt. 

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