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Alright, so this focuses mostly on Italy during WW2 

So kingdom of Italy and fascist Italy be the same person (so during WW2 I'll use FI and before KI, but don't count on this), as Italy became fascist when a particular person rose to power. But instead of one child, he perhaps had a set of twins, the Italian resistance and republic of salo, according to one of the people i know, Salo was a republic formed after the Italian king sent Mussolini to jail and the Nazis invaded or captured northern Italy and formed a puppet state and then got Mussolini and he led Salo, and then resistance sided with the king and fought against the Nazis, hence the Italian civil war

Note: there are probably a lot of things I'm leaving out, but this is the gist of it as far as I'm aware  

So, perhaps when FI had his civil war, he probably fell into a coma, resistance had sided with the king, against the axis, and salo had sided with TR.

Now, FI just followed his leaders in what they did (iirc the march on Rome forced the Italian king to chose one of 2 rival parties, the fascists and communists, he chose the fascists, but tbh he didn't have much choice. note: this was told to me by a friend on discord), but tbh he didn't really care too much, after a while he just wanted the war to be over

Salo, sided with the axis as TR was kinda involved in his creation and he often listened to him and the other axis when they met (sometimes FI brought his children) he wasn't the best behaved of children and often ran headfirst into situations. Is a somewhat decent fighter...better than resistance that is, and quite impatient.  

Resistance sided with the allies, he was a bit more observant, spent a bit more time with the other axis children (sometimes they came along with, salo wanted to talk with the axis members, resistance, not so much) he noticed that his father wasn't too into fascism despite the fact that he was fighting for fascism, hes a bit more of a coward, choosing the fight via guerilla warfare and often hides when attacked, not too strong. 

Now, when the civil war broke out, FI fell into a coma (might be new hc of mine, countries in civil war be in comas...maybe) and eventually, salo died around the time the war ended, leaving resistance as the last one. Right before he died, Salo went to visit his father, who had been in a coma for a few years and was getting weaker and weaker as the days gone by, since then, he hadn't left FI's side until they died...which was around the same time. 

As for the mafia... nah, imma not personify them, but the Italians may or may not have some high position within the mafia before they left to go vibe on their own island, and even then they used tech to keep in touch so they won't forget who truly controls them

Also, for before WW2, according to google, KI was formed in 1861 (didn't the us civil war start then? hmm) which was during Italian unification, which had started in 1848, so thats when KI was born....hes actually kinda young, he was raised by the papal states and any other various Italian territories/land/whatever, and maybe san Marino. Before then it was a bunch of states (not too unlike the HRE now that i think about it, although im not 100% as i don't know everything) 

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