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So, when a ch permanently dies (doesn't go into limbo) they go into the afterlife

The afterlife is beyond limbo, and like limbo, it isn't exactly a physical place. 

The personifications there (there is a separate afterlife for humans) isn't exactly a paradise, but its not hell either. 

and due to not being a physical place, their forms are originally a reflection of their bodies on earth, perhaps either before they died or at the peak of their strength, however they might remember themselves as. Albeit with no scars or injuries. 

But, as time goes on, the afterlife will effect them, and their form will change, but not into a twisted, deformed version of themselves like in limbo, but perhaps a form more fitting for the soul that inhabits it. A form that fits them better than their body ever did, perhaps they'll get animal parts they never had, maybe lose animal parts that they did have, who knows? It all depends on the personification themselves. 

Also, any pets that the ch adopted during their lives and thus shared their immortality may also eventually join them in their afterlife should they pass soon after. 

As for the afterlife itself, its a vast world, with all sorts of biomes and climates (as all the ch from around the world will go there, and are thus used to their own climate). There is also no sun, moon, or stars in the sky, but it is bright, a little bit dimmer than sunlight so people can see easily, but not as dark as limbo might be. 

The only animals there are the various pets that they've adopted over their lives (and haven't been adopted by any ch after them up to modern times so they're still alive, and yes, i'm thinking of xia when i say that) 

But there are some butterfly-like things that fly about, of various colors and has a gentle glow that can guide ch who've known and been friendly with each other to find one another, they can guide families back to each other in this vast realm as well as provide comfort for those who miss the world and the people there that they've left behind

As their bodies aren't physical, they will not have the needs or desires of their physical bodies, such as food or water. There is some plant life there, trees which produce bountiful fruits, and should they chose to till and farm the land, they can grow crops. While they don't need to eat and don't feel hunger, they still can enjoy eating the food they make. (although if no animals exist here save for pets, they can't exactly use meat in their recipes, although some people probably brought cows and/or chickens so they can get eggs and milk)  

After a while, most ch do leave behind any anger or resentment they might have had for anyone, that they had carried while still living. 

so they'll be a more peaceful and happy version of themselves, more so than they ever were on earth. 

In the afterlife, they may begin to forget their lives, forget and let go of their trauma and pain and find peace and contentedness. Although they may remember their culture and traditions. 

They'll probably remember the people they've known, or at least the people that they cared about, and the people they didn't like, they might forget their pain and hatred of them so as to be able to forgive them. (sometimes, when you forgive a person, its not really for them, but rather for yourself so you can let go of whatever grudge or hate you had of them) 

The afterlife is a place to find peace, comfort, and happiness, to relax after all the troubles of life

Now, while most ch do go into the afterlife when they permanently die, it is possible for them to reject it and end up in limbo like some humans do as well, this occurs when a person absolutely refuses to move on and actually go into the afterlife and attempt to hold onto whatever shred of life they think they have left and attempt to go back into the world of the living. 

But going back into the world of the living is impossible as they're no longer alive nor do they have any physical body left to dwell in the world of the living, so they end up in a place between life and death, which is limbo. This occurs very rarely, but it can happen, and they'll eventually become a lost if they do go into limbo. 

Now, as some of you might remember my French headcanons, and would be curious as to what happens with FM as she does come back to life after the French revolution when France reverts back to a monarchy 

As for what happens to her, is that she at first refused to go into the afterlife, and ended up in limbo, but she wasn't there long enough to become a lost or for her soul to be destroyed, but somehow ended up being revived when France reverted back into a monarchy, but nobody knows how. Was she in a civil war this entire time? did she somehow find a magical artifact someone once hid in limbo to return to life? Who knows, because i sure don't. 

But afterwards she knew how bad limbo was when she died again and finally went into the afterlife, never to revive again (after some research, i believe that france only reverted back into a monarchy once after the revolution, so she would have revived only once, if i'm somehow wrong, do correct me) 

Now, as for a few AUs of mine which do have people reviving, should they revive from the afterlife, they'll forget what the afterlife was like, although they will remember it was a good place to be, full of good and happy vibes. although if they refused and went into limbo, they'll probably not revive as they'd have either became a lost or their soul had been destroyed. So if for some reason people are brought back from a permeant death, this is what will happen to them. 

As for their forms, if they've been in the afterlife for long enough, their bodies in the physical world will have some characteristics of their forms they had in the afterlife, but if they hadn't been dead for long enough, their body would just be the same as when they were alive the first time, albeit with no scars or injuries. 

IF, they were to revive from limbo and hadn't pass the point of no return (losing their minds and becoming a lost) the same thing might happen to them as someone coming out of a civil war, they'd be in their old bodies, and might eventually regain their sanity after being in the world of the living for long enough. 

all in all, the afterlife is like a heaven of sorts, with limbo being a hell... at least i didn't make it so that what determines what makes a person go into heaven or hell being how good of a person they were, otherwise they'd all end up in hell 

I didn't think this chapter would end up very long as i got most of my rambling done last chapter, but here i am with over 1.2k words. 

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