The French

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So, in my headcanons I will usually mention 3 different French personifications

- French Empire
- French Monarchy
- French Republic 

Now, because i don't like countries living for a stupidly short time (short life = less time to torture them)  

FM was probably the oldest of them, she represented the nobles, she was spoiled, entitled, and rich. She loved to flaunt her wealth and though herself above everyone else, she was narcissistic. She didn't do things such as cook, clean, fight, and many, many other things as those were things poor people did, and she wasn't poor. Valued good looks and reputation over having a decent personality, which was obvious. Usually hid behind her armies (and FE) in wars

FE was an empire, the younger sister to FM, She loved to conquer, and like her sister, she thought herself above others, but this was usually toned down to weaker empires and all her colonies, She enjoyed treating her colonies as slaves... that is if she remembered about them. She was a good fighter, decent with a sword and and fairly good aim (all empires did) She had provided and protected FM (and later FR) as their empire. She didn't care too much about her looks, and unlike FM, she didn't sacrifice her personality for appearance, but she did care about power and beating BE to death. 

FR was the youngest, the daughter of FM and niece to FE, She was protected and sheltered by FE and FM (ofc) but being around her mother, she realized how much of a Karen she was and she didn't want to become like her, FR represented the peasants, or most of her own people (not the nobles), She did (and still does) have some entitlement, but its not as bad her FM and FE, and she realized that they were horrible people (after a suggested event in a past chapter involving spain and UK...and a pirate alliance) Like FE, she is willing to get her hands dirty in a fight, and after FM threw her out when she sided with the peasants when the revolution was just beginning, she felt immense satisfaction when she guillotined her mother. Now shes a bit down to earth, but she is just as bad as the other Europeans with being sheltered and everything. 

Now, although after the French revolution, sometimes France had went back to a monarchy, and then back to a republic, so despite the fact that FM died during the revolution, sometimes she would revive and personify France, but only during the time that France had a monarchy, afterwards she would die again, but for some reason FR didn't die or anything of the sort when France had reverted back to being a monarchy 

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