Soviet and Third

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Weimar and soviet became countries around the same time so they became friends because they were both young, but because of WW1 and the debts for that Weimar struggled to pay off said debts, it was fine until the great depression, at which point Weimar snapped, turned into TR and just stopped caring about anybody else. Soviet, still wanting to be a good friend to Weimar, one of his first friends, stayed friends with him and signed the non-aggression pact with him because of their past friendship while TR just wanted soviet to not attack him first. when TR invaded, Soviet realized that whatever friendship they used to have was now over and fought back to protect his children from TR.

An important thing to note, is that both countries were very young at the time of WW2, only having existed for a few decades before the war itself, so they don't have much experience in being countries and with politics.

Soviet was naïve and TR no longer cared for the wellbeing of others as he did as Weimar. 

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