Wing armor

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 The wing armor goes over the top of the wing (when standing up) its made of many metal plates so as to be adjustable for different sizes and so it can move around in flight, and the edge of it (again, the top, but this time the top of the armor) is sharp like a sword so it can be used in combat, also the end of it goes a bit further out than the wing and is really sharp so it can be used as a spear 

wing armor is really used more as a weapon than for actual defense, but it can be used for defense, when wearing wing armor, usually winged countries tend to bring their wings around their bodies so as for some protection for all sides...wing armor is also great for attacking right behind you when you can somehow tell that someone is there

although you're fucked if that armor gets dented, as that can mess up your flight ability and would just plain hurt

Also, the wing armor can fold up and be stored/carried quite easily because it actually isn't a lot of metal or very heavy

and yes, flying with the wing armor is possible, although it may be a bit harder to adjust the wings, it is possible, and thus, can be used for areal combat

The feathers do provide some padding, but usually there is something soft (like a thin layer of fabric) between the armor and the wing. this armor is quite think, around 1/8th of an inch thic so as to be somewhat light and flexible. 

although i'm debating if there should be straps or if it'll click/snap onto the wings, but i also haven't figured out how that'll work

the armor is made of steel, and isnt very wide, so maybe about 2" wide, 1/8 thic, and as the armor does extend a bit beyond the wings, perhaps about 8ft long, which is 2x(8x12)x(1/8)=cubic inches of the armor 8x12 is 96, so we have 96x2x(1/8) or 96x2/8 or most simple 96/4, which is 24

we have 24 cubic inches of steel, and steel weighs about .283 pounds per cubic inch, so lets calculate for .3 pounds because im lazy

24x.3 or 24x(1/3) because im more lazy so 24/3 is 8 pounds, and because the armor might sometimes be a bit wider or longer based on the wing size, lets go with 8

and before you say armor couldn't be that thin, medieval armor can be about 1-3mm thick, and 1.8 of an inch is about 3.1mm, so yes, they absolutely could

so, about a foot of this armor is 1lb, and in hindsight the armor would be more about 10ft or 12ft, so maybe 10 or 12 pounds, which is absolutely what their wings could carry

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