America's appearance

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America keeps his hair long because his natives often kept their hair long, he used to just have it stay down, but once a few of his younger states/territories wanted to try and braid his hair so America just let them.

As it turned out they enjoyed braiding his hair because it was long and he actually took care of it, so now he has long hair almost always kept in a braid. He actually likes it in a braid as it doesn't get tangled as often and keeps it out of his face so he learned how to braid it himself for when he isn't near his states/territories.

As for his hair color and eye color, I have been thinking he should have blood red eyes with his hair being blue with white specs similar to the canton of his flag (the corner with stars in it) 

Or should be have sky blue eyes with his hair being red and white striped? 

Fun fact: before 1912, there wasn't an official pattern for the stars in the flag so people would often just put them anywhere, but for America himself the stars often times rearranged themselves in different patterns from time to time, and the white specs in his hair just often floated around. 

Also, because of the civil war he now has a fracture or crack on his face that is mostly on the left side of his head, but reaches just far enough to go over his left eye. the color in this eye is faded and for some reason he can't see color anymore out of that eye (he can see color perfectly with the other so it doesn't really affect him much) but he does wear sunglasses to cover it up since WW1, before then he just wore a hat and tilted it down over his left side. 

He also has part of his right ear bitten off, mostly because during WW2 JE did that, mostly because iirc the japanese word for america translate to rice country so why not see if he actually tastes like rice? (he doesn't) but yea

america also has quite a few more scars but those are the ones on his face/head and are thus not covered by clothing 

I am also debating on if he has native tattoos or not, i don't know too much about native cultures, so maybe not, but he could

His human form is native american, so his hair is black, and he has brown eyes, and rather dark skin, because dark skinned america is better lighter skinned america 

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