Countryballs vs Countryhumans

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Countryhumans represent their people and culture, and their height is determined by their land mass and the avg height of their population.

Countryballs represent their government and their size is determined by their land mass and their government size.

CH's personality are determined by their culture, people, and history while CBs personality is determined by their government and is often too dumb to remember most of their history.

CBs aren't human and are rather dumb, not all of them can speak, but they do have their own language that they can speak to communicate with, no CH can understand this language, but the organization balls are more intelligent and can (barely) speak the CH language.

CBs interact similar to how their governments are to each other, so America and Canada would be friendly to each other and often spend a lot of time near each other, while India and Pakistan would try to kill each other whenever they are near each other.

The size of CB varies more than the height of CH, so the micronations often have marble size CB (they may or may not have gotten together and tried to play games as if they were marbles once) and the larger countries such as Russia or Canada have CB that are so big they are half the height of an actual person (America, Mexico, and Canada may or may not have stacked them on top of each other akin to a snow man, although they had to put Canada on bottom and Mexico on top due to size difference) 

CBs are rather useless and most of what they do is annoy their countryhumans, usually when there is government trouble, such as an election and anything political, this would effect the CB, but when there are natural disasters or accidents, this would affect the CH. 

CBs often move around by either rolling or bouncing around

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