The British

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I already have a chapter on the British isles, but I am going to delete that soon as all the info there is going to be here

The countries of the UK are Wales, northern Ireland, Scotland, and England. 

England, UK, and British Empire were all different people. 

Ireland is independent.  

England represented his own country, UK represented the union of the countries in his union, and BE is just an empire

England was born a fucking long time ago. UK was born in 1536 when England annexed Wales and that was the beginnings, but only personified something in 1707 when Scotland join and shit happened and somehow he became a union, and somehow Wales became a part of it.

So, if anything, UK would see Wales and England as his parents, not Scotland. 

And then somehow Ireland joined, but I doubt it was voluntarily, and then NI was born when Ireland succeeded and some countries wanted to stay because religion, but not that they had different religions, just that they were different kind of the same religion (Christianity)

so NI would probably see UK and Ireland as parents/older siblings/whatever

And its next to impossible to find out when the British empire was founded/created, but from what i can tell, its first colony was Jamestown in America (1607), now we all know about Roanoke in 1585, which was British. And as someone who personifications were born before they personified something...what if BE and UK were twins? (BE being the older twin) 

So the UK and BE have a twin/sibling like relationship and England and Wales had a really fun time raising them (not)

Both are still alive, UK as we all know, and BE as the Commonwealth of nations, where his former colonies all team up to bully him (with all the shit he did? so much fuel for the teasing)

BE isn't guilty or anything of the stuff he'd done and the places he conquered, just regrets that he lost it all. And he remembers all the times he and FE had fought, and his favorites were the battles he had won 

The only person who really cares about BE is UK, and thats because BE did what most empires did and abused the colonies he remembered about, and took care of his homeland. England is kinda disappointed that one of the people he raised had lost so much, but he is proud of all the land BE once had. 

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