Prussia and America

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A popular APH headcanon, or at least in the American side of the APH fandom, is that Prussia taught America how to fight in the revolutionary war.

Imagine that but in the CH fandom

They also both have wings, but America grew hers during the war itself, so Prussia taught America how to fly

Prussia isn't the most gentle or caring person, he is a military man and a firm believer of tough love.

so the first thing he did was essentially tossing America off a cliff to see if he would 'fly or fall'

And because Prussia taught her how to fight and military strategy, America would often call Prussia 'General' and as a response Prussia would call America 'Young Soldier'  

And yes, they may or may not have sparred with swords while flying a few times, America needed to learn how to fight while in flight... those fights were awesome

When America gained his independence, Prussia gave him a sword as a gift because hes Prussia, to this day America still has this sword and may or may not have fought countries with it in the middle of way (during WW2, when there were any confrontations between America and JE, things usually ended in a sword fight) 

(also we need more Prussia in this fandom because Prussia is awesome) 

(i do like to think that they were friends for a good time, or at least respect between them)

Also, there was a point in time when George Washington (the first us president) and Frederick the great (the guy who made Prussia a great military power, and who was possibly gay and played the flute) did meet as they were alive at the same time, and they both low-key fangirled over their favorite leaders 

edit: Prussia was a mentor/parental figure for america

change my mind

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