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So I've decided to put nsfw headcanons in this book...or at least everyone agreed that this would be best if I put warnings into the chapter title, so if I put nsfw in the title, there might be some nsfw details involved.

So, for the first one perhaps a bit more into detail about the body shape and details about the intimate parts of CH

Which is a little more important due to the fact that they are both genders.

I guess some might consider them intersex, and I guess thats somewhat correct, but as a certain someone who did a ton of research on such things, it's not exactly the same as human intersex people.

So, the CH have a mostly feminine figure (it would make sense as most countries refer to their own country as female, so why not make them look the part) with some masculine traits, this can vary from person to person but let's say that foot size is a roulette. Also, everyone has titties because why the fuck not, who doesn't love titties?

Also, in the past, most nations have known how to sew, this was for the same reason most people did, clothes were expensive and best to make em last, but another reason is to tailor their outfits, as they had mostly feminine figure, it wasn't exactly 100% feminine most of the time, and even if they were, most of them identified as male if only because of sexism had known no bounds in the past.

As for the private parts, well, they have both a dick and a vagina. The vagina is really just the hole, no clit as the clit is an undeveloped dick, and seeing as they have one, it wouldn't make sense for there to be both a developed and undeveloped dick.

Now, as it is possible for a ch to get pregnant (under very specific circumstances) so they do have a womb and all that stuff females have on the inside, now, the prostate in males, which iirc is located behind the dick, is still there, between the dick and then vagina. Not 100% about the g-spot, but chances are it's where it is in females as well.

As for all the differences between males and females such as height and strength are  effected by their own countries to some extent and as they would be in they were male.

As for sex itself, according to most research I've found, most women don't orgasm from penetration alone, so ofc its going to be the same for ch, some external stimulation is preferred. Now, when they do orgasm, it's from both parts, even if only one was stimulated (even the top with no vaginal stimuli)

There have been many, many cases of couples both trying to stick their dicks into the others cunt at the same time (and I don't really see how, but idk if they found a way or not)

Also, iirc females bladder is smaller than males, I think this is due to the fact that we have to make room for the womb, so the ch also have that.

As for puberty... And they are developing both parts...

Perhaps female puberty would start before the male one and for a while both is going on, which is very much not fun for them. As the female puberty happens for women before male puberty happens for men.

And I'm also debating as to have ch have periods like humans (and infinite eggs so menopause never happens)

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