Older/Younger countries

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As in a few previous chapters i have sometimes differentiated between older and younger countries, the older countries have lived (for most of their life for most) among humans, while the younger ones have spent almost their entire lives in their countryhuman island, so the humans and their society has effected the older ones more

An older personification is one that was independent before WW1 while a younger personification is one who was born or got their independence after WW1 or WW2, this isn't an exactly point and there are some who are in-between the older and the younger generation gap

There usually isn't too much difference between countryhumans who are in the older generations that have centuries age difference, save for the fact that the older ones have more experience and probably more set in their ways than the younger ones of the older generation

A lot of the older countries do sometimes get together and talk about the things they did in their youth and how different life is for them together on the island than separated in their own lands, but they do acknowledge that life is better now as not only can countries who live far away can live together should they get in a relationship. but they no longer have to deal with the mortal humans and their own ways

Other differences between these generations of countryhumans will be mentioned in the chapters that the differences are related to 

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