winged biology

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according to me and another friend on discord: 

The countries with bird wings do molt once every year, as actual birds do. 


So, every fall or spring (depends on the country) they would lose the feathers in their wings and those feathers would start to grow in again

These country would get a bit more irritable and grumpy (akin to a period) 

They would slowly lose feathers, about a few a day and symmetrically.

Also, those with feathers often preen (its relaxing for them) because its important for feathers to stay where they are so the country can fly (those with significant others will sometimes have their partner help them preen because why not)  

Winged countries are often shorter (and somewhat thin) because flying is difficult and with less weight, it would be just that much easier to fly 

apparently birds have a preen gland which makes an oil that can make their feathers waterproof and the skin supple... so perhaps winged (with bird wings) countries also have this gland, in birds in located in the base of the tail, but for countries it would be in the lower back

The joint where the wing meets the body would be somewhat sensitive, and they really don't like people touching that joint, as it carries a lot of weight almost constantly

Also, the wing joint is designed in a way for there to be a resting position, so that countries could rest their wings when standing and not laying down or something. Sometimes right after a long flight, they put their wings in this position and just not move them at all to rest (flying is difficult) 

Due to the amount of time they send flying and not on the ground, they would have a harder time getting dizzy, if only because they are used to moving and being in different positions in relation to the ground and gravity

Birds hearts are relatively larger to meet with the demands of flight, with shifting gravity and such, so why not the same for winged countries

Their bones are hollow, as for birds this can help them take in oxygen and is actually stronger than solid bones, they have less bone marrow and as bone marrow creates blood for humans, but because i can't find any sources on the internet to tell me if this actually affects blood production AT ALL, but because they are countries, fuck all that and they don't have a problem with it.

Also, they can (retract? hide? whatever) their wings inside their bodies for an indefinite amount of time, but it be uncomfy and would hurt after a while, as the wings are actual limbs with muscles, hiding it for too long can cause cramps and if they don't fly, the muscles can atrophy, but usually it doesn't take long to rebuild said muscles, as it would for the rest of the body for personifications. and should they hide their wings during their molt, expect feathers to randomly fall from their back around the area their wings usually connect to their bodies 

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