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There is a particular type of ink that seemingly all ancient cultures seem to have, that can permanently tattoo a personification, so they can have tattoos

when a person gets a scar from a disaster, it would appear on their body from whatever wound was caused by said disaster (if any)

Scars caused by wars/conflict were often made during a battle as the country had been injured by the other, so if a country gets stabbed by a country they are in a war against, they might get a stab scar from it, even though it might heal as a normal injury caused by stupidity may heal, but not all injuries in a war leaves a scar, although if the country does get injured, its usually about 1 or 2 of the most severe injury that gets a scar

When a person dies/respawns or gets a limb cut off and it would need to regrow, any scar or tattoo they would have would stay, so the limb would regrow with any previous scars it would have had before then. 

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