new healing/revival

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ALRIGHT, so imma change a few things about healing and revival. When I go back and change/edit/whatever to this book i might edit those chapters, but not now. 

So, a person can only respawn when their body is destroyed and it can't possibly heal, such as it being thrown into an active volcano and they get melted by the lava.

But, when the body isn't completely destroyed, their body would heal (even injuries that humans can't, like amputation) 

now, this is quicker than respawning, but this does take some time, although idk exactly how much time tho, perhaps it depends on the severity of the injury, if it was a simple slit throat than maybe a few hours. the max time it would take a person to revive would be ~2 weeks. 

Now, if a ch lost head privileges, than the head would grow back, although they would have a difficult time thinking/remembering for a short while after (same with any brain damage i suppose)

So, as for the matter or regrowing parts (which would only happen when they die, if they lost a limb and didn't die, then they will have normal human healing, not revival healing)  Well, perhaps it would make sense for there to be a part that should the body regenerate from instead of the largest the heart

the ch of times old, when cut into multiple pieces would be able to regenerate instead of respawning should their heart be left intact, and that would be from where their body would begin to regen. Hence the significance of the heart in many ancient cultures/civilizations. 

and a stab to the heart would kill any human, so it would kill a ch and they'd need to either regenerate or respawn. now, if there is extensive injury to the body, but not the heart, then they would be able to regen, but if there is extensive injury to both the body *and* the heart, then they would have to respawn. if there is none or very little damage to the body and some damage to the heart, then they could also regen.

iirc, it takes about 2-3 months to recover from open heart surgery for humans irl and there could be many symptoms such as exhaustion, tiredness, weakness, irritable, anxious, depressed, trouble sleeping, or just not quite yourself. It is also suggest against doing any heavy lifting or exertion as one recovers. And to avoid caffeine as that can increase heart rate and such. 

After doing some more research, after one day they should be able to sit up, after 3 days, walking, and going up and down stairs after about 5-6 days, and then a full recovery after about 12 weeks.

the reason i mention this is that if the heart is injured and yet they regen, they may have the same ill effects as a human does after open heart surgery, as the heart is where the body regens from, it would have the most effect on a person and the most difficult to heal. And after taking an injury to the heart, you're going to die, because what human would survive an injury to the heart?

now, perhaps respawning can have some effects similar to this, it takes about a month  to respawn, so they'd be able to go up and down stairs, but seeing as idk anyone who had heart surgery, lets just say they'll have trouble with that and all strenuous activities after respawning

Now, as for more detail to regening, sometimes the person will revive/gain consciousness before their body is fully healed. This is not a fun activity, regening usually hurts and leaves an itch deep in one's bones, this would usually go away about one day after the body is fully healed, or one day after the revive if the body is already healed by the time they wake. So, it is preferable to not have to regen as compared to actually regening. Regeneration can take up to 2 weeks depending on the severity of the injury, so if they are cut into shreds, then 2 weeks.

also, regeneration is also preferable to respawning as that has all the ill effects and they are off to who knows where their spawnpoint is.  

If the heart is too damaged, no matter how the rest of the body is, they'll respawn, so if you are completely uninjured and someone makes a small cut, takes out your heart and eats it, you'll have to respawn. 

so now, it makes sense for there to be a hospital as it would be best to heal from injuries the human way, and a place for regening bodies to be safe while the regen... and perhaps a doctor. 

Sometimes, when a ch gets an injury that can't be healed without a revive (such as a lost limb) they'll sometimes try and force a revive, which is to essentially kill themselves, but in a way so as to avoid a long revive time, so a day or 2 instead of the full 2 weeks (although limbs do take a long time to heal, so it might not matter) this was more common for older ch as they were rather reckless in the past, in modern times or on the island, things are safer there so they get injured less and thus revive less often

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